ULTIMZ Modern Slavery Statement

ULTIMZ Modern Slavery Statement

At ULTIMZ, we believe in conducting our business ethically, responsibly, and with integrity. We are committed to fighting modern slavery, human trafficking, and any form of forced labor within our business operations and supply chains. This statement outlines our commitment to combatting modern slavery and demonstrates our compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Our Business

ULTIMZ is the world’s largest luxury marketplace, connecting buyers and sellers in a bid/ask system for a diverse range of luxury items, including arts, bags, yachts, private jets, jewelry, shoes, fashion, and watches. We strive to ensure the authenticity of every item sold on our platform by generating a digital certificate of authenticity graved on the Blockchain. Our mission is to become the largest archive and database of luxury items and collectibles. We employ advanced A.I. technology to detect items and determine their current and historical market prices accurately.

Our Supply Chains

Our supply chain consists of a global network of partners, suppliers, and service providers who contribute to the sale and delivery of luxury items on our platform. We understand that complex supply chains can pose a risk of modern slavery, and we are committed to working closely with our partners to identify, address, and mitigate these risks.

Our Policies

We have implemented a comprehensive set of policies and procedures to ensure that modern slavery does not occur within our organization or our supply chains. These include:

  1. Code of Conduct: Our Code of Conduct sets the standard for ethical behavior and business practices within our organization. It explicitly prohibits any form of modern slavery, human trafficking, or forced labor.
  2. Supplier Code of Conduct: We require all suppliers, partners, and service providers to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which prohibits modern slavery, human trafficking, and forced labor. We encourage our suppliers to adopt similar policies and practices within their own operations and supply chains.
  3. Whistleblower Policy: We have a robust Whistleblower Policy that encourages employees and stakeholders to report any concerns or suspicions of modern slavery or other unethical practices. We are committed to investigating all reports thoroughly and taking appropriate action.

Due Diligence and Risk Assessment

We conduct regular due diligence and risk assessments to identify and address potential risks of modern slavery in our business operations and supply chains. This includes:

  1. Supplier Screening: We carefully screen all suppliers, partners, and service providers to ensure they comply with our Code of Conduct and Supplier Code of Conduct.
  2. Risk Assessment: We use a risk-based approach to assess potential modern slavery risks within our organization and supply chains, focusing on high-risk sectors and geographies.
  3. Training and Awareness: We provide training and raise awareness about modern slavery and human trafficking among our employees and partners, ensuring they understand their roles and responsibilities in preventing and reporting any instances of modern slavery.
  4. Auditing and Monitoring: We conduct regular audits and monitoring of our suppliers and partners to ensure compliance with our policies and to identify potential risks.

Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuously improving our efforts to combat modern slavery and will regularly review our policies and procedures to ensure their effectiveness. We will continue to engage with stakeholders, industry peers, and expert organizations to share best practices and collaborate on initiatives to fight modern slavery.

This Modern Slavery Statement has been approved by the Board of Directors of ULTIMZ and will be reviewed and updated annually.

Olivier Khatib
Chief Executive Officer ULTIMZ