ULTIMZ Supplier Code of Conduct

At ULTIMZ, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and responsibility across our entire ecosystem. This commitment extends to our suppliers, who play a vital role in delivering the exceptional quality and authenticity our customers expect.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the principles and expectations we have for our suppliers, ensuring alignment with our values and commitment to ethical business practices. We hold our suppliers to the same standards of excellence that define ULTIMZ’s reputation in the luxury industry.

General Guidelines

1. Ethics and Integrity: ULTIMZ expects its suppliers to conduct business with the utmost ethics and integrity, adhering to all applicable laws and regulations.

2. Compliance with Laws: Suppliers must comply with all local, national, and international laws and regulations relevant to their operations.

3. Transparency: Transparency in all business dealings, including pricing, sourcing, and operations, is crucial. Suppliers must provide accurate and honest information to ULTIMZ.

4. Fair Labor Practices: Suppliers must uphold fair labor practices, including providing safe working conditions, respecting workers’ rights, and paying fair wages in accordance with applicable labor laws.

5. Environmental Responsibility: ULTIMZ is committed to sustainability and expects its suppliers to share this commitment. Suppliers are encouraged to adopt environmentally responsible practices.

Social Responsibility

6. Respect for Human Rights: Suppliers must respect the human rights of their employees, ensuring a work environment free from discrimination, harassment, and exploitation.

7. Child Labor: ULTIMZ strictly prohibits the use of child labor in any part of the supply chain. Suppliers must comply with applicable laws regarding the minimum working age.

8. Forced Labor: Suppliers must not engage in or support any form of forced or involuntary labor, including human trafficking.

9. Diversity and Inclusion: ULTIMZ values diversity and expects suppliers to promote diversity and inclusion within their workforce, without discrimination based on race, gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, or other protected characteristics.

Business Conduct

10. Conflict of Interest: Suppliers must avoid any conflicts of interest that could compromise their ability to act in the best interests of ULTIMZ.

11. Anti-Corruption: Suppliers must not engage in bribery, corruption, or any illegal or unethical practices in their interactions with ULTIMZ or any other entities.

12. Intellectual Property: Suppliers must respect intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.

13. Confidentiality: Suppliers must safeguard the confidentiality of ULTIMZ’s information and proprietary data.

Quality and Authenticity

14. Quality Assurance: Suppliers must provide products and services that meet the highest quality standards, consistent with ULTIMZ’s reputation for excellence.

15. Authenticity: ULTIMZ is committed to offering authentic luxury items. Suppliers must guarantee the authenticity of the products they provide.


16. Environmental Impact: ULTIMZ encourages suppliers to adopt environmentally friendly practices, minimize waste, and reduce their environmental footprint.

17. Supply Chain Responsibility: Suppliers are encouraged to promote sustainability throughout their supply chain, including responsible sourcing and ethical manufacturing.

Compliance and Reporting

18. Compliance with Code: Suppliers are expected to fully comply with this Supplier Code of Conduct and take corrective actions if deviations are identified.

19. Reporting Violations: Suppliers should promptly report any violations of this Code to ULTIMZ, enabling swift resolution.

20. Continuous Improvement: ULTIMZ and its suppliers are committed to continuous improvement, collaborating to uphold these principles and deliver exceptional luxury experiences to our customers.

At ULTIMZ, we believe that our suppliers are integral partners in our journey to redefine the luxury market. By adhering to this Supplier Code of Conduct, we work together to ensure that our customers receive only the finest quality, authenticity, and ethical standards in every product we offer.

For any questions or concerns related to this Code of Conduct, please reach out to ULTIMZ directly. We value our supplier relationships and are committed to fostering a responsible and sustainable business ecosystem.