Vincent Wauters Steps Down as CEO of Hunter

Vincent Wauters, the esteemed CEO of Hunter, has officially stepped down from his position after an impressive four-year tenure leading the renowned footwear brand. The departure, characterized as a mutual agreement, comes as Hunter embarks on a strategic review aimed at ensuring the company’s long-term growth and sustainability.

In a transitional move, Paolo Porta, formerly the senior VP of merchandising and licensing at Jimmy Choo, will temporarily assume the responsibilities of CEO until a permanent successor is appointed. Additionally, Andrew Lawley, a seasoned executive who played a pivotal role in Hunter’s recent refinancing endeavors, has been appointed as the new executive chairman. Lawley brings a wealth of experience in business strategy and transformation from his past roles at companies such as Dixons Carphone.

These leadership changes mark a new chapter for Hunter in the wake of a substantial cash infusion of £16.5 million from investors including Goldman Sachs, Searchlight, and Pentland Group. The brand has faced challenges stemming from adverse weather conditions in the US and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Consequently, Hunter is undertaking a thorough strategic review to identify avenues for growth, particularly in the realm of e-commerce.

Former CEO Wauters expressed his appreciation for his time at the helm and praised the team for their dedication. Incoming CEO Porta acknowledged Wauters’ achievements and expressed confidence in spearheading Hunter’s global expansion with the backing of stakeholders. Armed with a reinforced balance sheet and a clear focus on multi-geography, multi-channel operations, Hunter is poised to navigate the present obstacles and lay the groundwork for future prosperity in the coming years.

To learn more about Hunter’s strategic review and leadership transition, visit Hunter’s official website. For updates on the company’s growth and development initiatives, you can also follow them on LinkedIn.

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