UK’s Mother’s Day Sees Significant Increase in Online Revenue

UK’s Mother’s Day saw a significant uptick in online revenue this year, showing that despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, consumers were eager to celebrate and honor their mothers. Visualsoft, a leading e-commerce platform supporting over 1,000 online retailers, reported a remarkable 47% increase in online revenue compared to previous years. The surge in revenue was accompanied by a 25% rise in order numbers, indicating that people were willing to spend more on gifts for their mothers despite not being able to physically be together.

The increase in spending was particularly evident in the two weeks leading up to Mother’s Day, which fell on the most recent Sunday. This surge in online sales comes in the wake of almost the second consecutive year of Mother’s Day falling within a period of lockdown, with last year’s celebrations being impacted as well.

Dean Benson, the CEO of Visualsoft, highlighted the impact of the ongoing pandemic on this year’s Mother’s Day celebrations. He noted that consumers have adapted to this new way of life, leading to increased online purchases due to the closure of physical stores and the growing preference for virtual shopping experiences. Benson also emphasized the importance of retailers offering seamless shopping experiences, last-minute delivery options, and personalized products to meet the changing consumer demands.

As we look towards a post-pandemic future, it is clear that changes in consumer behavior and shopping habits are likely to endure. Retailers that can pivot quickly and adapt to these shifts will be well-positioned to thrive in the evolving retail landscape.

For further insights on e-commerce trends, you can visit Forbes and for e-commerce solutions, you can explore Visualsoft.

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