UK Stores See Decline in Footfall in January

According to a report by BRC-Sensormatic IQ, the UK saw a decline in footfall to stores in January. However, the decrease was not as severe as the drop experienced in December. Compared to the previous year, total footfall in the UK fell by 2.8% in January, an improvement from the 5% decrease seen in December.

Breaking down the figures, high street footfall dropped by 2.3%, while retail parks saw a decrease of 1.8% and shopping centers experienced a 5% decline. These numbers, however, showed improvement compared to December’s results.

The report revealed that footfall fell in all nations of the UK. England had the smallest drop at -2.6%, followed by Scotland at -2.7%. Wales saw a decline of -4.5%, and Northern Ireland had the biggest fall at -6.8%. Despite this, certain key cities showed positive growth, with Edinburgh up 3.2% and both Leeds and Liverpool rising by 1.5%. On the other hand, London experienced a decrease of 1.7%, while Birmingham, Manchester, and Bristol all fell slightly under 3%. Cardiff, Belfast, Nottingham, and Glasgow saw steeper declines.

These figures are considered reliable as they not only measure footfall in shopping districts but also count the precise number of shoppers entering stores across the UK, regardless of the type of destination.

Helen Dickinson, the Chief Executive of the British Retail Consortium, commented on the report, acknowledging the continued downward trend in footfall but noting that it was at a slower rate than in December. She mentioned that consumers appear to be focused on bargains, with the first half of the month boosted by the January sales. However, the latter part of January saw fewer shoppers due to stormy weather, which led to a greater decline in footfall for shopping centers and high streets.

Andy Sumpter, Retail Consultant EMEA for Sensormatic Solutions, highlighted the challenges faced by retailers, including disruptions from named storms and the ongoing cost-of-living spending squeeze. Despite the decline in shopper traffic, Sumpter mentioned that January’s performance was an improvement compared to December, which could indicate the beginning of a recovery and give retailers reason for cautious optimism.

Overall, while footfall in UK stores decreased in January, the rate of decline was lower than in December. This suggests a potential bounce-back for retailers, but cautious optimism is advised due to the ongoing challenges in the retail industry.

Useful links:
1. BRC-Sensormatic IQ Report
2. Retail Gazette Article

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