UK Retailers Grapple with Decline in Footfall Post-Black Friday

Following the Black Friday shopping extravaganza, UK retailers found themselves grappling with a significant decline in footfall during the week of November 25 to December 1. Data released by footfall tracker Springboard revealed that footfall plummeted by 5.5% compared to the same period in 2017, marking a notable contrast to the previous year’s 3.1% drop.

Surprisingly, retail parks, renowned for their popularity, experienced a 4.3% decrease in foot traffic, while shopping centers bore the brunt of a substantial 6.5% decline. This deviation from the previous year’s trend, where high streets struggled while retail parks and shopping centers thrived thanks to Black Friday promotions, raised concerns among industry experts.

Interestingly, last week’s footfall hit rock bottom on Tuesday, with double-digit decreases observed across all types of destinations. However, there was a slight uptick in footfall as the week progressed, culminating in a 0.5% increase on Friday. This slight improvement was attributed to the rising trend of click-and-collect services, prompting more consumers to visit stores to retrieve their online purchases.

Despite the slight Friday rebound, the overall decline in footfall was felt across the nation, with shopping centers bearing the brunt of the impact in every region. The continued struggle to draw in shoppers post-Black Friday highlights the ongoing challenges faced by brick-and-mortar retailers in the UK amidst the increasing dominance of e-commerce and shifting consumer preferences.

For more information on how the retail landscape is evolving, check out the latest insights from Springboard here. Additionally, delve into the strategies adopted by retailers to adapt to changing consumer behaviors here.

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