UK High Court Shuts Down Ring of Fake Amazon Reviews

The UK’s High Court has successfully taken action to shut down a ring of fake Amazon reviews that was operating from Germany. This discovery was made through a legal challenge in the British courts, which exposed three companies involved in boosting the star ratings of Amazon sellers through the use of fake reviewers. With the rise of fake reviews, Amazon has faced increasing scrutiny from both the Competition and Markets Authority and Google, who are currently investigating the issue.

The three companies, known as AMZTigers and Testerjob and based in Malta and Mallorca, promised to enhance the visibility of sellers’ products in search results by bombarding them with five-star reviews. To accomplish this, they relied on a network of supposed authentic reviewers. The High Court issued an injunction, prohibiting these companies from brokering reviews in the UK. Additionally, the court warned that individuals who disregarded the order could face imprisonment, fines, or asset seizure. This marks the first time that the UK courts have issued such an injunction.

AMZTigers claimed to have 20,000 reviewers in the UK and 62,000 globally who would provide products with five-star reviews as part of marketing schemes. These reviewers would purchase the assigned products on Amazon and then write reviews to make them appear genuine. In exchange for their reviews, they were reimbursed for their purchases, effectively receiving free items. Company records reveal that these operations are linked to Norbert Weber, an internet marketing entrepreneur based in Berlin, who also runs W3 Internet Marketing, a search engine optimization business.

When approached for comment by the newspaper, Norbert Weber did not respond. However, John Boumphrey, the Chief of Amazon UK, assured that the company is committed to preventing the appearance of fake and incentivized reviews on their platform. He stressed the importance of earning customer trust and stated that fraud would not be tolerated in their store. Amazon is determined to pursue fake review brokers through the UK courts.

The shutdown of this fake Amazon reviews ring is a significant victory for the online retail giant, as it clearly showcases their dedication to upholding the integrity of their review system. It also serves as a strong warning to other entities involved in similar fraudulent activities. By taking legal action and obtaining injunctions, Amazon is proactively safeguarding its customers and ensuring that the reviews on their platform accurately reflect the quality of the products being sold. Moreover, this development highlights the urgent need for stricter measures and increased regulatory oversight to combat the prevalence of fake reviews within the e-commerce industry.

Useful links:

1. Federal Trade Commission: Guidelines for Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising

2. BBC – Amazon ‘fake review’ checkers recruited in China

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