UK Fashion DEI Report 2024: Addressing the Lack of Diversity in the Fashion Industry

A new report titled the UK Fashion DEI Report 2024 has shed light on the lack of diversity in the UK fashion industry. The report, a collaboration between the British Fashion Council, The Outsiders Perspective, and the Fashion Minority Report, with support from McKinsey & Company, emphasizes the need for more representation among workers and leaders in the industry.

According to Jamie Gill, Founder of The Outsiders Perspective and BFC Non-Executive Director, although the industry’s catwalks and campaigns may showcase diversity, the workforce and decision-makers do not reflect this. Gill argues that it is crucial for the fashion industry to prioritize diversity and inclusion, as having a diverse team has a strong business case.

Nowadays, consumers evaluate companies based on factors such as sustainability and diversity. Many individuals have stated that they will boycott companies that do not meet their standards. Therefore, fashion brands have clear commercial motivations to focus on eco-friendly practices and promote inclusivity and diversity.

The UK Fashion DEI Report 2024 draws on industry expertise and provides a comprehensive review of the state of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the British fashion sector. It utilizes data from The UK Fashion DEI Census and other sources to present its findings. The report acknowledges that while the industry’s public-facing image may have become more diverse, there is still room for improvement in diversifying corporate representation and executive positions. The report also shows the connection between leadership diversity and company performance, offering strategies to accelerate diversity, talent recruitment, and retention in the industry.

One significant finding from the report is that only 9% of executives and board members in the UK fashion industry are people of color, while only 39% are women. Additionally, people of color occupy only 11% of executive team and board “Power Roles,” whereas women hold 24% of these positions. The report also highlights a disparity in perception, with 86% of white men believing the industry is diverse, compared to only 46% of women of color.

The report also points out the lack of published DEI targets in the industry, as only 17% of companies have quantifiable targets, compared to 56% that have published sustainability targets. Interestingly, businesses in the top quartile of diversity globally have 35% of their executive teams and boards consisting of people of color, and 50% are composed of women.

Caroline Rush, Chief Executive of the BFC, stresses the importance of breaking down barriers, fostering inclusivity, and amplifying underrepresented voices. Rush states that there are undeniable benefits to having a diverse workforce and calls for the industry to embrace DEI as a means to gain a competitive advantage. Rush urges brands and organizations to align their internal practices with their external messaging to authentically contribute to DEI goals.

To conclude, while progress has been made in diversifying the public-facing aspect of the UK fashion industry, this report highlights the need for more representation among the workforce and decision-makers. The findings serve as a wake-up call for the industry to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion and recognize the business opportunities that come with fostering a truly diverse and inclusive environment. By doing so, the UK fashion industry can lead the charge and reap the benefits of a more diverse and representative workforce.

Useful links:
Vogue UK: UK Fashion DEI Report 2024
Business of Fashion: Breaking Down the UK Fashion Industry’s Diversity Deficit

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