UK Consumers Find Brand Content Irrelevant

A recent report by data platform Treasure Data has found that a significant majority of UK consumers find the content they receive from brands to be irrelevant. In fact, 75% of consumers surveyed stated that the content they receive from brands does not resonate with them. Moreover, only 35% of respondents said that the content they receive actually makes them click through.

Interestingly, the study also revealed that 21% of Britons have given away more of their personal data to brands since the start of the pandemic. Among the 2,000 adults surveyed, those in the younger age group of 18-34 were found to be most likely to believe that they have divulged more personal information since the pandemic, with 28% claiming so. In contrast, only 17% of those over the age of 55 felt the same way.

The research emphasizes the struggle that brands face in effectively leveraging the personal data provided by consumers to create relevant and engaging communications. This is evident in the fact that 44% of UK consumers expected more from brands after sharing their personal data, indicating their disappointment with the current level of content they receive.

Despite the perceived irrelevance of the content, brand communications are quite pervasive. The study found that 79% of consumers hear from brands at least once a day, with the average Briton receiving brand communications 12 times a day. The younger age group of 18-34 receives even more communication from brands, averaging 16 times per day.

The response to tailored content from brands varies significantly by age. While 40% of young people between the ages of 18-34 believe they have benefited from sharing their data with brands because they have received tailored services, only 17% of those over the age of 55 share this sentiment.

The research also highlights that consumers are quick to take action if they receive irrelevant communications from brands. Forty-five percent of consumers stated that they would unsubscribe from a brand communication within a week if it was irrelevant, and 20% said they would unsubscribe in less than 24 hours. This underscores the importance of providing relevant and engaging content in order to maintain consumer loyalty.

However, there is an opportunity for brands to foster loyalty by delivering personalized and tailored content. The report found that 35% of UK consumers said they would be more willing to share their personal data if it meant receiving personalized content. This sentiment is especially strong among young people, with 46% of 18-34 year-olds agreeing with this statement compared to only 25% of those over 55.

Andrew Stephenson, Director of Marketing, EMEA, at Treasure Data, expressed his disappointment in the fact that consumers still feel they are not receiving adequate value from brands for sharing their personal data. He emphasized the importance for brands to seize the opportunity to win consumer loyalty and boost sales by improving personalized communications. However, he also cautioned against the risk of getting personalization wrong, as consumers are not hesitant to unsubscribe and withdraw their personal data.

In conclusion, the research conducted by Treasure Data highlights the prevalence of irrelevant content received by UK consumers from brands. This underscores the need for brands to effectively utilize the personal data provided by consumers in order to deliver tailored and engaging communications. Failure to do so may result in consumers unsubscribing and withdrawing their personal data. However, if brands are able to provide relevant and personalized content, there is an opportunity to build consumer loyalty and increase sales.

Treasure Data Report
Forbes Article on Personalization

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