The Significance of Retail Staff in Shaping In-Store Experience: Study

According to a recent report commissioned by the Retail Technology Show, the significance of retail staff in shaping the in-store experience for UK shoppers cannot be overstated. The study, which surveyed a sample size of over 1,000 respondents, reveals that more than half of them believe that retail employees have the power to either make or break their shopping experience. This marks a notable increase of 13% compared to the previous year’s findings. In addition, the research highlights that 37% of shoppers now hold a greater respect for retail staff since the onset of the pandemic, reflecting a 3% rise from 2022.

The recognition of the value of retail staff extends beyond a personal level, as customers also place importance on how these employees are treated by their employers. Approximately 34% of the participants in the study expressed the opinion that retailers should provide more support to their staff considering the prevailing economic climate. Furthermore, 25% of the respondents suggested that retail staff should receive higher wages to cope with the rising cost of living.

These findings come at a challenging time for retail workers, as the Centre for Retail Research has reported a loss of over 15,000 retail jobs in the first few months of this year. However, despite the increasing costs faced by retailers, many are investing in efforts to recruit and retain talented staff members. These retailers acknowledge the crucial role that employees play in delivering excellent customer service and overall shopping experiences. Notably, prominent brands like Pandora and Primark have already introduced initiatives to support their staff during this period of economic uncertainty. Pandora, for instance, has recently announced a 14% pay increase, marking the third time in the past year that the company has enhanced employee wages. Similarly, Primark has granted its in-store teams a pay boost of 12%.

The emphasis on staff welfare extends beyond mere improvement of working conditions, as it directly impacts customers’ purchasing decisions. Seventeen percent of the respondents stated that a retailer or brand’s support, pay, and treatment of its staff influence their decision to patronize that company. Additionally, 18% indicated that their loyalty to a brand or retailer would be questioned if the business failed to prioritize the well-being of its employees.

The importance of addressing these issues will be further explored at the upcoming Retail Technology Show. Mary Portas, a prominent figure in the retail industry, will be discussing “the role of human connectivity and the Kindness Economy in the future of retail.” Portas’s insights are expected to provide valuable guidance to industry professionals seeking to understand and adapt to the evolving expectations of both retail staff and customers. This session will delve into the Kindness Economy’s new value system and its implications for retailers, as well as shed light on omnichannel technology strategies for 2023 and beyond.

Useful links:
1. Retail Technology Show
2. Retail Gazette – Trade Shows and Events

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