The Power of Retailer Branded Emails in Boosting Customer Engagement

According to recent research conducted by delivery management platform Scurri, it has been found that retailer branded emails are crucial in boosting customer engagement. The report titled ‘Getting personal in the last mile and beyond’ revealed that the majority of consumers prefer to receive delivery updates directly from the retailer or brand rather than from third-party courier companies.

In a study of 1,000 UK consumers, it was discovered that 81% of participants always open delivery updates from a retailer or brand, while only 38% do the same for unbranded updates from courier companies. This significant difference in engagement underscores the importance of establishing clear communication channels between retailers and customers throughout the delivery process.

Interestingly, 53% of respondents expressed confusion when receiving unbranded updates from carriers, as they often struggle to link the updates to their specific orders. This confusion is particularly prevalent among Gen Z and Millennial shoppers, indicating that retailers may risk alienating their tech-savvy customer base if they continue to rely on third-party communication methods.

Moreover, the study highlighted the potential negative impact of unbranded delivery updates on consumer trust, with 69% of participants expressing skepticism towards third-party communications. To build and maintain trust with customers, retailers must ensure transparency and authenticity in their delivery communications.

Personalized offers within delivery updates were also shown to have a significant influence on customer behavior. More than half of the participants (55%) stated that they are receptive to receiving personalized offers during tracking and shipping updates, provided that they have the option to opt out of ongoing brand communications post-delivery. Additionally, 42% of shoppers admitted that personalized offers in delivery updates increase their likelihood of making repeat purchases.

Founder and CEO of Scurri, Rory O’Connor, emphasized the importance of direct communications between retailers and customers in fostering strong relationships and driving customer loyalty. O’Connor suggested that investing in personalized post-purchase strategies can create a seamless and engaging experience for shoppers, ultimately leading to increased customer retention and repeat purchases.

In summary, retailer branded emails present a valuable opportunity for retailers to enhance customer engagement, cultivate trust, and encourage repeat purchases. By prioritizing direct communication with customers throughout the delivery process, retailers can nurture their relationships with shoppers and set themselves apart in a competitive retail environment.

For more insights on this topic, you may visit the following links: Scurri and RetailNext.

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