The New Anti Burn-Out Column by Vanessa Orzechowski, High Performance Coach and Mental Preparer

The ULTIMZ Journal Exclusive: The New Anti Burn-Out Column by Vanessa Orzechowski, High Performance Coach and Mental Preparer

Have you ever stopped to consider if being yourself has become a luxury in our society? It seems that expressing your true creative power and embracing your unique style has become a daring act, especially when it goes against the mainstream. But regardless of where you are in your personal journey, it is always possible to break free from limiting beliefs and cultivate self-awareness through training. In this series of articles, I invite you to embark on a journey of self-empowerment and learn how to positively influence yourself. The first step towards this goal is to eliminate self-sabotaging words and develop a sense of fluidity in your communication.

Words have a magical influence on our lives. Do you use expressions like “That’s amazing!”? Renowned author Jean D’Ormesson was known for carrying the grace of words within him and often used this phrase to share his worldview. Each word carries a vibration, much like the notes in a musical composition. While it is one thing to know this fact, truly integrating it into our lives is another. Words, when arranged in a certain way, possess the power to shape our lives, evoking emotions ranging from the most pleasant to the most uncomfortable. These words also reveal deeper unconscious subtexts that are usually invisible to the naked eye. For those willing to listen, these words expose who we are, how we think, and whether we tend towards optimism or pessimism, philosophical maturity or immaturity, admiration or disdain.

Take a moment to reflect on (1) the key words and expressions you often use and (2) the thoughts that run through your mind throughout the day. According to the law of causality, words form stories that act as powerful hypnosis, shaping the direction of our lives. Our unconscious mind faithfully follows and manifests the metaphors produced by our inner dialogue. This means that the person who cultivates negative thoughts and narratives will ultimately find themselves in a dark place, while those who equip themselves with a more positive lexicon will manifest brighter and more fulfilling experiences.

It is important to understand the rules by which our brain functions in order to avoid living life on autopilot and feeling powerless. Throughout this series, we will explore these rules step by step, empowering ourselves along the way. Law #1 states that what you present to your mind, your mind will present to you. In essence, we are constantly hypnotizing ourselves.

Why is this topic so crucial? Simply put, our thoughts influence our perception of situations and subsequently shape our emotions and actions. If you find yourself using phrases like “it’s complicated,” “it’s difficult,” or “don’t dream too big,” it’s time to banish them from your vocabulary. These phrases serve only to sabotage your progress. While it is important to acknowledge the complexity of certain situations, we must place ourselves in optimal conditions to overcome obstacles. The repeated use of these negative thought patterns acts as powerful internal instructions, leading to memorization, learning, and conditioning. Picture yourself facing a complex situation. If the program within you repeatedly tells you that “it’s difficult,” you will naturally experience emotional reactions, attitudes, and behaviors that align with this belief. Law #1 is in action: what you present to your mind, your mind will present to you!

So, how can we consciously regain our power? It is as simple as distancing ourselves from the belief that “it’s complicated” and replacing it with a more constructive line of thinking. Replace it with a question such as “how could this be simpler?” or “what can I do to make this possible?”. The goal is to always filter our thoughts through a constructive lens and choose our words carefully.

Understanding the internal operating pattern that connects thoughts, emotions, attitudes, behaviors, and habits is crucial to avoiding unnecessary spirals of determinism. When faced with a blockage, try using this pattern to uncover the root belief. Change can only occur through self-understanding.

In a similar vein, fashion icon Coco Chanel boldly proclaimed, “I don’t make fashion, I am fashion.” Her words reveal the perception she had of herself and the story she cultivated in her mind. She saw herself as the embodiment of fashion, a masterful presence rather than a supporting role. The power of this chosen story lies in the belief she placed in it, propelling her towards a destiny filled with resonances, synchronicities, and opportunities. Of course, achieving greatness requires hard work, creativity, rigor, and endurance, but success comes to those who persist. Lastly, keep in mind Law #2: the more vivid the vision within, the faster it manifests externally.

In the next installment, we will explore how to neutralize external influences that hinder our ability to be ourselves.

Useful Links:
1. Psychology Today – A valuable resource for understanding the power of words and their influence on our lives.
2. Verywell Mind – An insightful article on the impact of self-talk and how it can shape our mindset.

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