The Importance of Resilience and Well-being in the Luxury Industry

In her presentation at the Salon du Luxe Paris online, Emma Fric, co-founder of The Prospectivists, emphasizes the importance of resilience in the luxury industry during these unprecedented times. However, she goes beyond just overcoming challenges and suggests that this period can be seen as a potential rebirth.

Fric focuses on the connection between luxury, well-being, and relationships with others. While the well-being trend is not new, she believes that it is never too late to rethink our way of life. Well-being is seen as a major aspiration of contemporary society, centered on the individual and their desires. The world of luxury, with its emphasis on uniqueness, self-expression, and meaning, resonates strongly with this quest for well-being.

One of the key aspects of this resilience and well-being is the need to rebuild connections and pay attention to others. Fric observes that the confinement caused by the Covid-19 crisis has potentially broken proximity ties, leading to a heightened desire for a different model of society based on care, the common good, and living together. This mindset can be seen in consumer trends and should be incorporated into brand strategies, particularly for luxury brands. Fric emphasizes that empathy and care will have a significant impact on the conception and perception of luxury products and brands in the future.

Another aspect raised by Fric is the desire to reconnect with the living world, which was discovered in a new way during the lockdown. She mentions Ecological Natives, who see environmental awareness as a new relationship with the world, where humans are no longer at the center. Luxury brands have an opportunity to reestablish the relationship with objects and celebrate their soul, as well as their scarcity, quality, and timelessness.

For a more detailed insight into Emma Fric’s presentation, the full video can be found on the Salon du Luxe Paris website.

(Relevant links:
1. Salon du Luxe Paris
2. The Prospectivists)

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