Technology’s Role in Transforming the Fashion Industry

Technology continues to advance to support brands in their commitment to slow fashion, which emphasizes ethical and eco-responsible practices. Laetitia Pfeiffer, Executive Partner Digital & Innovation for IBM France, discusses how technology can help transform the fashion industry.

As a company working closely with luxury and textile sectors, IBM analyzes the challenges faced by brands and their consumers. Slow fashion has emerged as a market trend that opposes fast fashion. But transitioning from a fast fashion model, characterized by frequent collection launches and short turnaround times between the runway and stores, to a more sustainable fashion approach is a complex task. IBM is actively involved in this transition, recognizing the importance of consumer demand as well as regulatory changes like the PACTE law and the anti-waste law.

The term “slow fashion” gained traction after François-Henri Pinault and the Fashion Pact, a charter signed by nearly 150 brands committed to improving their environmental impact, was introduced at the G7 summit in Biarritz. While some brands like Patagonia had already taken steps towards sustainability, many more have followed suit. Implementing sustainable strategies can involve incremental progress or a complete reimagining of production models, and IBM supports brands in these processes.

IBM helps brands reinvent their design and sales processes by providing services and technology solutions. Eco-design is a key aspect, where brands can use artificial intelligence to detect trends and adopt a forward-thinking approach. Diagnostic and solution-based support is offered in areas such as waste reduction, customization, responsiveness, and more. Solutions can be integrated into production, logistics, physical retail, and e-commerce operations.

Luxury brands can adopt the principles of slow fashion throughout their value chain. Many brands start with a few sustainable initiatives and gradually expand to create a comprehensive strategy and ecosystem. Brands also recognize the potential for additional revenue or new revenue streams through this approach.

One major challenge for luxury brands is the reuse and second life of products. Brands entering the second-hand market or engaged in textile recycling face questions about establishing a sustainable supply chain. Artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in recovering fibers, cleaning them, recycling them, and creating new products that meet high-end standards.

Blockchain technology plays a crucial role in meeting the traceability needs of brands today. It provides complete and secure visibility into the product lifecycle, from origin to recycling and second life. This transparency aligns with the growing demand from consumers and promotes sustainability. The COVID-19 pandemic and increased digitalization are expected to accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology.

Overall, technology, including artificial intelligence and blockchain, can effectively support the fashion industry in its transition to slow fashion and sustainability.

Useful links:
1. IBM Fashion Industry Solutions
2. IBM Retail Industry Solutions

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