Study Reveals Prevalence and Motivations behind Pre-Owned Shopping in the UK

A recent study conducted by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) has shed light on the prevalence and motivations behind pre-owned shopping in the UK. The study, which involved over 4,600 participants, found that approximately 25% of people in the UK do not own any secondhand items in their wardrobes. However, this also means that 75% of UK consumers are already embracing the concept of buying pre-owned.

Interestingly, the study revealed that Generation Z (16-26 year-olds) are leading the way when it comes to buying secondhand. A remarkable 23% of respondents from this age group stated that between 50% and 74% of the items in their wardrobes are pre-owned. In contrast, only 10% of Generation X (43-58 year-olds) said the same.

The study identified the desire to find cheaper alternatives as one of the main motivations for buying pre-owned items. With the rising cost of living, many consumers are turning to secondhand shopping as a way to save money. However, the survey also highlighted that purchasing pre-owned items is seen as a more sustainable way to shop. A significant 42% of respondents mentioned that the proportion of pre-owned items in their wardrobes has increased over the last few years.

The study also addressed the concerns and barriers that consumers face when it comes to donating their own pre-owned items. An obstacle highlighted by 19% of participants was not knowing which items can be donated or what condition they should be in. Despite these challenges, the study showed that consumers are still eager to engage in sustainable actions. In fact, 32% of respondents said that donating items is one of the top three actions they would take to help protect the planet, along with recycling more (46%) and reducing food waste through meal planning (30%).

Allison Swaine-Hughes, BHF Retail Director, emphasized the importance of changing public perception and promoting the benefits of secondhand shopping. To this end, the BHF has launched a campaign called Reuse Revolution, aimed at encouraging people to shop and donate pre-owned items. The charity revealed that in just one year, they have managed to save 13,000 pre-owned clothes from going to waste in the UK. Additionally, the BHF has become one of the top sellers on the Depop platform since launching their own account.

In conclusion, the study conducted by the BHF provides valuable insights into the growing popularity of pre-owned shopping among UK consumers. The findings indicate that a significant portion of the population already embraces buying secondhand, both for financial reasons and as a more sustainable way to shop. However, there is still a need to educate and address the barriers to donating pre-owned items. The BHF’s campaign and efforts to champion secondhand shopping are steps in the right direction towards creating a more sustainable and mindful consumer culture.

Useful links:
– [British Heart Foundation Reuse Revolution campaign](
– [Depop](

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