Social Media Trends 2021: The Mutatis Mutandis of Brands

In her report “Social Media Trends 2021: The Mutatis Mutandis of Brands,” Marie Dollé, founder of In Bed With Tech, highlights several key trends and apps that are expected to gain traction in the coming months. One common thread in social media trends for 2021 is the rapid mutation of habits, particularly accelerated by the pandemic. For example, the adoption of video conferencing surged during the lockdown, with nearly 40% of French people discovering it for the first time. As we fully enter the anxiety economy, trends such as neo-expressionism and digital wellness are expected to play a prominent role in brand content strategies and business models.

The Covid-19 crisis has had a significant impact on digital retail, making digital imperative for all businesses. However, the challenge for retailers is to infuse life into online commerce and replicate the experiential aspects of physical retail. Tools like Surfly, Acquire, 1click, and Hero offer solutions for online customer interactions, such as live chats, video chats, and real-time tracking of customer journeys. Live streaming through platforms like PopshopLive, Bambuser, and LiveScale can also bring life to online retail.

Digital goods have also gained prominence as a way for brands to infiltrate consumer habits and discussions in the fragmented social landscape. Conversations often take place in “dark social” spheres, difficult for brands to reach. By providing digital goodies like virtual collections in games, beauty filters for video conferences, stickers, avatars, and GIFs, brands can engage with these communities and build strong community spaces.

For apps to watch closely in 2021, Yac stands out as an audio tool to combat Zoom fatigue, offering asynchronous voice chats. Vsco represents the growing trend of neo-expressionism apps that enable users to express their emotions and anxieties through digital creativity. TikTok is also a standout platform leading a new generation of apps that prioritize meritocracy and diversity. Additionally, French app Yubo is gaining popularity in the US and the UK, showcasing the potential of non-American and non-Chinese apps in the market.

Overall, the report provides insights into the evolving social media landscape and highlights the trends and apps that are expected to shape the industry in 2021.

Useful links:
– [Report “Social Media Trends 2021: The Mutatis Mutandis of Brands”](link here)
– [Surfly](

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