Siham Jlila – Exploring Resilience and Inclusivity in the Luxury Industry

Siham Jlila, a luxury consulting expert, marketing professor, and president and founder of the Banlieue Chic Paris association, is participating in the Salon du Luxe Paris online to discuss the important concepts of inclusivity and resilience.

When asked about her definition of economic resilience, Jlila explains that it is the ability to bounce back from challenges and use them as opportunities for collaboration and development. She emphasizes the importance of staying agile and not remaining stagnant, both personally and professionally. Economic pragmatism is another concept closely related to resilience, as it involves constantly observing and analyzing the world around us to draw conclusions that allow us to become even stronger despite challenging circumstances.

Resilience is a founding value of the Banlieue Chic Paris association, according to Jlila. She highlights the resilience demonstrated by her team members and herself in entering the luxury industry. Additionally, many of the association’s members and followers also need to exhibit resilience to access the sector. The goal of the association is not to dwell on difficulties but to deliver an inspiring message and demonstrate that opportunities are possible. Jlila explains that the use of the word “banlieue” (suburbs) in the association’s name is intentional. By highlighting the suburbs and combining it with “chic,” she aims to challenge the negative stereotypes associated with the suburbs. The association strives to showcase that individuals can live in the suburbs, possess talent and dedication, and redefine what luxury means in today’s world.

To learn more about Siham Jlila’s insights and perspectives on resilience and inclusivity in the luxury industry, visit the Salon du Luxe 2020 platform.

Useful links:
1. Salon du Luxe Paris
2. Banlieue Chic Paris

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