Promising Trend for European Retailers: International Shopper Sales on the Rise

Recent data from Planet shows a promising trend for retailers in Europe, with a significant 11% increase in international shopper sales in April. This marks a notable turnaround from a previous 8% decline in sales at the same time last year. Luxury fashion brands in particular have benefitted from the return of non-EU shoppers in large numbers.

Among Europe’s top five retail markets, the UK led the way with a robust 15% increase in sales, the highest growth rate seen in 22 months. Germany and Spain followed closely with a 15% and 14% rise respectively, while Italy and France also experienced growth with an 8% and 6% increase. Tax-free shoppers have played a key role in driving sales for fashion and luxury brands in major European cities, making their return all the more significant.

The upswing in international shopper sales in Europe signifies a recovery from the aftermath of past terror attacks and natural disasters. Events like the Manchester bombing, Barcelona car attack, Carcassonne stabbings, and Paris floods had previously dampened the spirits of international visitors. However, with a decrease in the frequency of such incidents over the past year, shopper confidence has been restored.

In the UK, retailers have observed a notable uptick in sales to international shoppers, particularly with a 15% growth in April. This resurgence comes after a period of reduced spending following various attacks. Chinese, Kuwaiti, and US shoppers emerged as the top spenders in the UK market, with shoppers from the United Arab Emirates boasting the highest average transaction value. The consistent rise in tax-free sales in the UK indicates a sustained recovery for the retail sector in the region.

On the flip side, France saw a slower growth rate compared to its counterparts, registering just a 6% increase in April. This sluggish growth can be attributed to ongoing yellow vest protests in the country. Nevertheless, the overall improvement in sales to international shoppers across Europe paints a optimistic picture for the region’s retail industry.

For more information on global shopper trends in the retail sector, check out these relevant links:
Bloomberg: Europe Records Rise in Retail Sales Despite Global Trade Slowdown
Retail Dive: Global Department Store Growth

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