Preparing for the Black Friday and Cyber Monday E-Surge

The Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping extravaganzas are quickly approaching, and retailers are gearing up for a surge in online orders that is expected to push delivery systems to their limits. With the ongoing second English lockdown keeping consumers indoors and brick-and-mortar stores closed, online shopping is set to skyrocket, presenting a major logistical challenge for shipping networks.

According to a recent report by Sendcloud, a significant 140% increase in online deliveries is projected for this month alone. This surge is anticipated to surpass the volume of parcels delivered during the initial ‘Corona Peak’ earlier this year by more than 20%. With British consumers ordering an average of 2.9 times more products during the first lockdown, this trend is likely to continue as the holiday season draws near.

Sendcloud, a leading e-commerce shipping platform, anticipates that this year’s peak shopping season will be unparalleled due to a combination of Covid-19 restrictions and enticing Black Friday discounts. Already, the number of packages being ordered in Europe is 21% higher than at the same time last year.

In the lead-up to Singles’ Day on November 11th, weekly shipping volumes have been steadily increasing, with a projected spike of around 76% during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales events. To cope with this surge, Sendcloud recommends that online retailers bolster their logistic capacity by collaborating with multiple shipping carriers and being prepared to switch to alternative ones if necessary.

A recent survey by Sendcloud uncovered that 37% of British consumers would not patronize an online store again if their package arrived later than expected. Despite facing delays during the initial UK Coronavirus peak, 67% of consumers have displayed increased patience, willing to wait an average of up to 6.7 days for standard delivery.

Rob van den Heuvel, CEO of Sendcloud, stressed the importance of retailers and consumers alike preparing for longer delivery times during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday period. With the government advocating for people to stay home, all parties involved are encouraged to act responsibly and support retailers, carriers, and postal services in navigating this unprecedented surge in online shopping.

For more information on how online retailers can prepare for the Black Friday and Cyber Monday e-surge, check out these useful links: Black Friday Preparation Tips for E-commerce and How E-commerce Can Deliver Online Shoppers Holiday Cheer.

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