Positive Footfall Growth in the UK Retail Sector

According to MRI Springboard’s latest figures, footfall in the UK saw positive growth during the latest trading week. This can be attributed to several factors, including the run-up to school half-term, the late May public holiday weekend, and good spring weather. Overall, footfall increased by 3.3% compared to the previous week.

Retail parks experienced the highest uplift in footfall, with a 4% increase, followed by shopping centers with a 3.2% increase, and high streets with a 2.9% rise. However, there was an exception to this trend in Central London, where footfall declined by 2.3% compared to the previous seven-day period.

Data shows that Central London had flat footfall between Sunday and Wednesday, but experienced a significant 5.1% drop over the three subsequent days to Saturday. This decrease could be attributed to the start of the half-term break, as many people left the city for their holiday destinations.

In contrast, coastal towns experienced the highest uplift in footfall, with a remarkable increase of 12.3%, driven by the start of the school holiday and the warm and sunny weather over the weekend. Footfall consistently rose from the previous week on every day, with Friday witnessing the peak increase at 9.3% as consumers shopped ahead of the weekend. Saturday’s uplift was more modest at 1.7%, as many individuals were traveling to their vacation spots.

Sunday saw the largest rise in UK footfall, with a 9.1% increase compared to the previous Sunday. This increase was particularly significant in certain locations, such as coastal towns where footfall surged by 30.2%. City centers experienced a 22.3% rise, while Central London saw a 17.6% increase, and historic towns recorded an 11.6% uplift. The fine weather played a crucial role in driving footfall on Sunday, with people taking advantage of the pleasant conditions to visit these destinations.

Overall, the UK retail sector experienced positive footfall growth during the latest trading week. While Central London saw a decline, other areas such as retail parks, shopping centers, and high streets enjoyed an increase in footfall. The start of the school half-term and the favorable weather contributed to the rise in footfall, with coastal towns witnessing the highest uplift.

As the holiday season progresses and restrictions ease further, it will be interesting to see how footfall trends continue to evolve.

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