Paraffection’s Les Ateliers du 19M: A Space for Craftsmanship

Paraffection, a subsidiary of Chanel, has recently established a dedicated space called “Les Ateliers du 19M” to house its artisan workshops. This space, which was inaugurated in January of this year, is part of Chanel’s larger initiative to promote its Maisons d’art and craftmanship. Situated in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, this 25,500 square meter area currently accommodates more than 600 craftsmen and collaborators from eleven different workshops.

One of the main objectives of the 19M is to encourage collaboration and synergy among the different crafts represented in the space. However, it also seeks to raise awareness and appreciation for these skills among the general public. To achieve this, the 19M offers a range of educational workshops that provide hands-on experiences and insights into the world of craftsmanship. Each workshop lasts for slightly over an hour and allows participants to learn alongside experienced artists and craftsmen. Presently, the 19M provides workshops on fan making, plant weaving, and embroidery. Moreover, a partnership with the creative laboratory About a Worker enables participants to utilize Lemarié techniques in the creation of a handbag jewel, incorporating materials from Atelier Montex, Atelier des Matières, and Réserve des Arts.

In addition to the regular workshops, visitors to the 19M also have the opportunity to take part in a free participatory embroidery workshop every Wednesday and Saturday from 2pm to 5pm. This special project brings together the Maisons Lemarié and Lesage, along with Atelier Montex, to create a collaborative artwork representing a cartographic representation of the northeast area of Paris, where the 19M is located.

The Ateliers du 19M are currently hosting the exhibition “L’Ouverture du 19M,” which runs until April 23rd. This exhibition showcases the history and creative heritage of the building and its residents.

To visit the Ateliers du 19M, located at 2 Place Skanderbeg, Paris 19, reservations are required.

Useful links:
1. Chanel Lesage Embroidery
2. Chanel Maison Michel

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