Mulberry Reopens Factories to Produce PPE for Healthcare Workers

Luxury fashion brand Mulberry has stepped up in the fight against COVID-19 by reopening its Somerset factories to produce reusable PPE gowns for frontline workers. In response to the shortage of personal protective equipment, Mulberry aims to deliver more than 8,000 gowns to the Bristol NHS Trust in the coming weeks.

Despite temporarily closing its factories in March to adhere to social distancing guidelines, Mulberry’s decision to produce PPE reflects the brand’s unwavering commitment to supporting healthcare workers during the pandemic. The gowns will be crafted with precision, following government regulations and using a specially selected material that is both fluid-resistant and can be washed for multiple uses, ensuring durability and effectiveness.

Mulberry’s initiative to produce PPE aligns with the broader effort within the fashion industry to address the shortage of essential medical supplies. Other renowned brands like Burberry and Barbour have also pivoted their production to contribute to national procurement efforts, highlighting the industry’s collective response to the crisis.

In addition to making gowns, Mulberry has collaborated with Bristol ‘Scrub Hub’ by donating fabric for the production of scrubs for healthcare workers. This partnership underscores the brand’s commitment to supporting local communities and healthcare professionals on the front lines of the pandemic.

CEO Thierry Andretta expressed pride in Mulberry’s ability to swiftly adapt and contribute to the supply of PPE, emphasizing the brand’s dedication to assisting the NHS and local communities. Through its Coronavirus Appeal, Mulberry has raised significant funds for the National Emergencies Trust, further demonstrating its commitment to providing assistance where it is most needed.

Mulberry’s proactive steps in producing PPE not only showcase its ethos of compassion and solidarity but also highlight its social responsibility in times of crisis.

For more information on Mulberry’s efforts in producing PPE, please visit their website here.

To learn more about the Bristol ‘Scrub Hub’ and how you can support their initiative, please visit their website here.

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