Luxury Brands and the Ethical Use of Personal Data in the Era of Surveillance Capitalism

The ULTIMZ Journal’s Chronicles Club is proud to present Emma Fric’s latest chronicle, delving into the world of foresight, trends, and innovation. In a time where surveillance capitalism reigns, the question arises: will safeguarding the integrity of our personal data become a luxury? This science fiction concept is becoming a startling reality.

Alain Damasio’s remarkable science fiction novel, “Les Furtifs” (The Vanished), published in 2019, transports readers to a France in 2040, where multinational corporations own cities. Citizens are under constant surveillance through a digital ring and various technologies like cameras, microphones, facial recognition, and chips that detect emotions. Depending on their chosen package, individuals attain access to targeted services and encounter different levels of advertising. Damasio aptly refers to this as “self-serf service.” The protagonists of the book resist this system of universal tracking and profiling, with the aid of insurgent movements. Is this a dystopian delusion or a tale of an impending catastrophe?

Undermining Humanity.

The revelations of the Snowden affair and the Cambridge Analytica scandal shattered the illusion of an open internet guaranteeing users’ “digital integrity” and protection of their data. The awareness grew that tech giants like Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft (GAFAM) exploit and sell our data without disclosure of specific purposes or the opaque interests they serve. Although the introduction of European data protection regulations (GDPR) represents a step toward transparency, the actual change remains insignificant. The opacity of practices persists, and citizens, who are subjected to targeted digital marketing, are increasingly anxious about the violation of their privacy and free will.

In the era of surveillance capitalism, where data becomes a precious resource, questions arise about whether the respect for our digital data should be an essential element in the development of an increasingly ethical luxury.

The rise of surveillance capitalism finds eloquent description in Shoshana Zuboff’s critically acclaimed book, “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power” (Public Affairs Books, 2019). This extensively researched work has garnered praise from various media outlets, initiating discussions in 2019 across numerous articles, socio-economic scientific studies, and artistic endeavors. Zuboff outlines the pinnacle of capitalism, relying on the extensive use of individual data by increasingly intelligent technologies to serve commercial interests. She highlights the societal and democratic implications of this system, urging us to regain control.

Fostering Trust in the Luxury Realm.

For luxury brands, establishing and nurturing an intimate and privileged relationship with customers has always been central to their loyalty strategies. Today, more than ever, they heavily rely on artificial intelligence and data analysis to gain essential insights into consumer behavior and aspirations. In this context, preserving the trust of luxury customers and addressing their concerns about the use of AI, facial recognition, and other technologies becomes vital. Luxury brands must adopt more ethical, transparent, and privacy-conscious practices. They must establish a moral contract concerning the use of customer data, surpassing any other industry.

Various approaches are available to the luxury sector. Essential measures include implementing certification processes for intelligent software employed by brands (such as ORCAA), employing data trustees as trusted intermediaries between users and brands, and adhering to ethical charters that ensure transparency, free access, and the right to data erasure for consumers.

Regardless of the chosen solutions, it is evident that creating a reliable, transparent, and ethical ecosystem regarding the use of personal data will become a significant aspect of corporate social responsibility in the future. It will also serve as a fundamental strategy for luxury brands to construct a more all-inclusive vision of luxury and provide genuine added value to their clientele.

Useful links related to the article:
1. GDPR regulations: Explore the European data protection regulations to understand the steps taken to safeguard personal data.
2. Shoshana Zuboff’s “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism”: Dive deeper into Zuboff’s thought-provoking book, which analyzes the rise of surveillance capitalism and its implications for society.

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