Irish Retail Industry Gears Up for Long-Awaited Comeback in May

The Irish retail industry is gearing up for a long-awaited comeback in May as the government unveils plans to ease Covid-19 restrictions. After being shut since early December, non-essential retailers will finally be given the green light to reopen their doors on 17 May. This announcement is part of a phased approach to reopening the economy and society.

In a televised address, Taoiseach Micheál Martin expressed his optimism about the return to normalcy. While acknowledging the challenges faced over the past year, he emphasized that hope is now returning to the Irish people.

The reopening plan includes key dates for various sectors. Hairdressers will be allowed to reopen on 10 May, giving people the chance to get their much-needed haircuts. Domestic tourism will resume on 2 June with the reopening of hotels, bed & breakfasts, hostels, and guesthouses. However, indoor dining and leisure facilities will only be available for guests.

Restaurants and bars will be able to provide outdoor services starting from 7 June, bringing back the much-missed social aspect of dining and drinking. Furthermore, the government will consider further easing of restrictions on 5 July, potentially allowing indoor hospitality to resume and outdoor mass gatherings, such as sports events with spectators.

While the reopening of non-essential retail and other sectors is undoubtedly a positive step forward, the government emphasizes the importance of adhering to health and safety guidelines to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Measures like wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and maintaining proper hand hygiene will continue to be crucial in ensuring the successful reopening and ongoing recovery of the Irish retail industry.

The announcement of the reopening plan has brought a renewed sense of hope and excitement to the retail sector in Ireland. It represents a new chapter for businesses that have struggled significantly throughout the pandemic. As restrictions gradually ease and consumer confidence returns, retailers can eagerly anticipate reconnecting with their customers and rebuilding their businesses.

This long-awaited reopening of Irish retail in May will bring much-needed relief to both retailers and consumers alike. It serves as a positive signal of Ireland’s progress in battling the pandemic and showcases the resilience of the Irish people. With cautious optimism, the country looks forward to brighter days ahead as it embarks on the journey to recovery and revitalization.

Useful links:
1. [Irish Government’s Covid-19 Information Page](
2. [Irish Retail Industry Association](

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