Hermès Named Most Transparent Company

Luxury fashion house Hermès has been named the most transparent company at the 13th edition of the Transparency Awards. The awards, launched in 2009, aim to recognize companies that provide clear information about their governance practices. Hermès was commended for its strong commitment to diversity and its clear corporate communication. The brand now holds the title of the most transparent company among the French companies listed on the Paris stock exchange index, SBF 120.

The Transparency Awards are evaluated by an independent scientific committee made up of professionals from various organizations and associations. These include Paris Europlace, Euronext, AMF, IFA, SFAF, AFG, and F2ic. The committee assesses companies based on several criteria, such as the availability, accuracy, comparability, and accessibility of their information. The ranking is determined by evaluating four strategic platforms: the universal registration document, the company’s financial website, the general assembly meeting invitation brochure, and the ethical charter.

Hermès expressed its gratitude for the award and acknowledged the efforts of its teams in producing regulated information materials. The brand emphasized its commitment to quality in all aspects of its business and its continuous pursuit of progress. With a focus on craftsmanship and authenticity, Hermès aims to maintain its reputation as a leader in the luxury sector.

In the previous edition of the Transparency Awards, Hermès ranked third overall and was recognized in the “CAC Large 60” category. This year, the brand’s commitment to transparency and clear communication has been acknowledged across all categories, solidifying its position as a leader in the industry.

Useful links:
1. Hermès Official Website
2. Transparency Awards Official Website

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