Buying – Items & Orders

Understanding Our Experts and Valuations

Q1: Who are our in-house experts?

A: ULTIMZ takes pride in having a team of in-house experts who possess extensive knowledge and experience in various fields. These experts curate the collection of luxury goods available on the platform, ensuring that each lot meets the highest standards of authenticity, quality, and value. Their expertise guarantees that the lots featured are genuine and accurately described.

Q2: What is the ‘Expert’s estimate’?

A: The ‘Expert’s Estimate’ is a valuable tool offered by ULTIMZ to provide prospective buyers with guidance on the potential value range of special objects listed on our online marketplace. This estimate is formulated by our team of in-house experts who possess extensive knowledge in various fields. The purpose of the estimate is to assist buyers in making informed bidding decisions by offering an approximate valuation range for the object.

Q3: How is the ‘Expert’s Estimate’ Determined?

A: Our experts undertake a comprehensive evaluation process to establish the potential final bid value of objects featured on our platform. This estimation is grounded in a combination of publicly available information, such as data from other online platforms or pricing websites, and privately accessible historical sales data. To determine market demand and potential value, our experts consider a variety of critical factors including:

  • Artist or maker
  • Country of origin
  • Period
  • Provenance
  • Materials
  • Dimensions
  • Rarity
  • Subject matter or type
  • Condition

It is important to note that our experts do not physically inspect the objects. Instead, they rely on the accuracy of information provided by sellers. This implies that certain details, like the condition of an object, are based on the information relayed to us by the sellers.

Q4: What are the specific types of ‘Expert Estimates’?

A: ULTIMZ provides various types of ‘Expert Estimates’ to cater to different types of objects:

  • Gallery Estimates: These are specific to visual artworks and consider factors like the artist, country of origin, provenance, materials, dimensions, rarity, and quality.
  • Retail Estimates: These apply to modern jewelry and precious stone objects, considering factors similar to gallery estimates.
  • Retail Estimates for Precious Stones: These are for precious stones and are based on factors including country of origin, provenance, treatment, dimensions, rarity, subject matter or type, and quality.

Q5: Is the ‘Expert Estimate’ a guarantee of an object’s value?

A: It’s essential to understand that the expert estimate serves as a helpful reference, not an absolute value. When bidding, your personal value and appreciation of the object should play a significant role. If market value is a primary consideration, consulting an appraiser is recommended. The nature of online auctions can result in variations between estimates and final purchase prices. As such, our estimates cannot guarantee the value of an object, and ULTIMZ cannot be held liable for discrepancies between estimated and actual amounts.

Q6: Who offers up the lots?

A: The lots featured on ULTIMZ’s platform are sourced from a diverse array of sellers, including private collectors, dealers, galleries, and other trusted sources. Each seller undergoes a rigorous vetting process to ensure the authenticity and quality of the lots they offer. This diversity enriches the platform with a wide selection of luxury items.

Q7: How do I know that a lot in auction is not a forgery or an unauthorized publication?

A: Ensuring the authenticity of the lots is a paramount concern at ULTIMZ. Our in-house experts meticulously examine each lot before it’s listed, verifying its origin, provenance, and authenticity. Additionally, we employ cutting-edge technologies and collaborate with specialists to prevent forgeries or unauthorized publications from appearing on the platform. You can bid with confidence, knowing that every effort has been made to provide genuine luxury items.

Q8: What should I do if I have a question about the details of an object?

A: When considering an object for purchase, it’s crucial to have accurate and comprehensive information about it. The responsibility to provide complete and accurate descriptions of listed objects rests with the sellers. We strongly recommend that you carefully read through the description and thoroughly review the images to gain a clear understanding of the object’s attributes.

Q9: What if I find essential information to be missing or have specific questions about an object’s description?

A: If you find essential information to be missing or have specific questions that haven’t been adequately addressed, we encourage you to reach out to us. Our team of experts and support specialists is here to assist you further. When reaching out, please provide a detailed explanation of your question and any relevant supporting material.

Q10: What should I do if I receive an object that doesn’t match its description or images?

A: If you receive an object that doesn’t match its description or images, we have specific guidelines in place to assist you in such situations. Please refer to the instructions provided in the relevant article if you find yourself in this scenario. This guideline also applies if you have concerns about the authenticity of the object.

Contacting the Seller

Q1: How can I contact the seller?

A: The ‘Ask a question’ feature serves as a direct line of communication between you and the seller.

Requirements for Contact: Please note that you’ll need to have won an auction and completed the payment for the item before you can use this feature to contact the seller.

Questions About Live Auction Objects: If you have inquiries about an object currently in a live auction and require additional clarification about its aspects, you can click the “Contact Us” button below. To ensure ample time for the seller’s response, we recommend using this option when there are at least 3 days remaining in the auction.

Suggestions for Effective Communication: After winning an auction, reaching out to the seller can be beneficial for various reasons. You can inquire about the delivery status of your order or gather more information about the shipment process.

Here are a few useful tips:

  • Preferred Language: It’s a good practice to communicate with the seller in their native language whenever possible. If that’s not feasible, using English or an online translator can assist in clear communication.
  • Respect Response Time: While awaiting a response from the seller, it’s important to allow reasonable time for them to reply. Factors such as time zones and availability should be considered.
  • Common Queries: You can inquire about delivery timelines, tracking information, or any other queries you have about the purchased item.
  • For Unresponsive Sellers: In case you encounter challenges in receiving a response from the seller, the following article may offer insights and guidance to address this situation effectively.

We’re committed to facilitating smooth communication between buyers and sellers to enhance your experience on our platform. If you have any further questions or require assistance, feel free to reach out to us. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Q2: I’m interested in a lot that wasn’t sold. Can I get in touch with the seller or still bid on it now?

A: If you’ve been eyeing a lot that didn’t find a buyer in a previous auction, we understand your curiosity and desire to potentially acquire it. While we are unable to share the seller’s contact details for lots that remained unsold, we have a helpful solution to keep you engaged:

Utilize the Auction Search Feature:

Stay Informed: You can set up an auction search for the specific lot you’re interested in or similar items. This feature acts as your digital assistant, sending you notifications if the same lot or similar ones reappear in future auctions.

Simplicity and Convenience: The auction search tool eliminates the need for manual checks. It ensures you’re promptly informed about the availability of the lot you desire.

Prompt Action: With notifications at your fingertips, you can swiftly place bids when the lot is relisted, maximizing your chance of securing it.

How to Set Up an Auction Search:

  1. Log in to your ULTIMZ account.
  2. Navigate to the search bar or explore the relevant category.
  3. Enter keywords related to the lot you’re interested in.
  4. Click on the lot to view its details.
  5. Look for an option like “Set up auction search” or a similar feature.
  6. Customize your notification preferences.

By creating an auction search, you’re proactively staying engaged with the ULTIMZ platform and the lots that intrigue you. While direct communication with the seller of an unsold lot isn’t possible, the auction search tool empowers you to stay connected and act swiftly when the lot is available again.

Please remember that the auction search doesn’t guarantee that the exact lot will be relisted, but it helps you stay informed about opportunities that match your interests.

If you have more questions or need assistance with using the auction search feature, our dedicated support team is here to help. Your pursuit of unique and desirable items is important to us, and we’re committed to enhancing your experience on our platform.

Q3: The seller speaks a different language. What should I do?

A: ULTIMZ recognizes the global nature of its user base and accommodates sellers who speak different languages. Utilize online translation tools or apps to bridge any language barriers. Additionally, the ‘Ask a question’ feature provides a written platform for communication, facilitating clear exchanges regardless of linguistic differences.

Q4: What should I do if the seller isn’t responding to my messages?

A: It can be frustrating when you’re seeking answers from a seller, and the response isn’t as prompt as you’d hope. We understand the importance of effective communication and want to guide you through this situation:

Sellers’ Response Time:

Expectations: Typically, sellers aim to respond within 48 hours to ensure a smooth and cooperative buyer-seller relationship. This response time allows for the timely resolution of any queries or concerns.

Global Reach: Sellers on our platform are situated all around the world, which may lead to varying response times due to time zone differences. We encourage a patient approach in these cases.

Steps to Take:

  • Patience is Key: Give the seller a reasonable amount of time to reply to your message. Sometimes, factors like time zones or personal circumstances might cause a delay.
  • Contact Us: If you’ve waited a considerable time and still haven’t received a response, we’re here to assist. Click the button below to reach out to us. Provide details about your inquiry and any relevant information.
  • Claim Process: If your situation involves a claim with the seller or you’re considering initiating one, we recommend reviewing our comprehensive articles on the claims process. These resources offer valuable insights and steps to take.

Initiating a Claim:

  1. Visit the appropriate article related to claims.
  2. Contact us through that article to ensure your request is properly addressed.

Please remember that our priority is to ensure a positive experience for both buyers and sellers. While delays in communication can occur, our support team is dedicated to assisting you every step of the way. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we’re committed to helping you resolve any challenges you encounter.

Q5: Can I contact the seller before winning an auction?

A: To maintain a fair and transparent auction process, direct contact with the seller is typically limited to buyers who have won an auction and completed the payment for the item. This ensures that communication is focused on confirmed transactions.

Q6: What should I do if I encounter any issues or discrepancies with the item I received from the seller?

A: If you receive an item that doesn’t match its description or images, we have specific guidelines in place to assist you in such situations. Please refer to the instructions provided in the relevant article if you find yourself in this scenario. This guideline also applies if you have concerns about the authenticity of the item.

Q7: Can I request additional photos or information from the seller before placing a bid?

A: While you may not be able to contact the seller directly before winning an auction, you can thoroughly review the item’s description and available images provided by the seller. If you have specific questions or need additional information, you can use the ‘Ask a question’ feature after winning the auction and completing the payment.

Q8: What happens if the seller provides inaccurate information in the item description?

A: ULTIMZ takes the accuracy of item descriptions seriously. If you discover that the item you received significantly differs from the description provided by the seller, you may be eligible to initiate a claim. Our claims process is designed to address such situations and ensure fair resolutions.

Q9: How can I report inappropriate or suspicious activity by a seller?

A: If you come across any suspicious or inappropriate behavior by a seller on our platform, please report it to us immediately. We have dedicated channels for reporting such incidents, and our team will investigate the matter thoroughly to maintain a secure and trustworthy marketplace environment.

Q10: Can I leave feedback or a review for a seller after completing a transaction?

A: Yes, we encourage buyers to leave feedback and reviews for sellers after completing a transaction. Your feedback helps other buyers make informed decisions and contributes to the overall transparency of the ULTIMZ platform. You can share your experience and rate the seller based on the quality of the item, communication, and overall satisfaction with the transaction.

Reviews and Feedback

Q1: How do I leave a review or provide feedback to a seller?

A: Leaving reviews and feedback is a powerful way to share your experience with sellers. You can do so once your order has been successfully delivered or picked up. Here’s how:

  • When you receive a notification to leave a review, follow the provided link to the seller’s store page.
  • If you didn’t receive a notification, go to the “Paid Orders” section, find the order you want to review, click “Provide feedback” in the bottom left corner, choose between “Positive,” “Neutral,” or “Negative,” add a comment, and click “Provide feedback” to submit your review.

Q2: When can I leave a review for a seller?

A: You can leave a review or feedback once your order has been successfully delivered or picked up. We’ll send you a notification when it’s time. You have 60 days from the delivery confirmation to provide your feedback, comments, or reviews for the seller and your order.

Q3: What should I consider when leaving a review or feedback?

A: When leaving a review, consider the following tips for effective feedback:


  • Use a friendly and polite tone.
  • If you encounter an issue, consider contacting the seller before leaving negative feedback. Working together on a solution can turn a challenge into a positive outcome.


  • Avoid using insulting, discriminatory, or inappropriate language.
  • Refrain from sharing personal information (names, addresses, phone numbers) in your feedback.
  • Ensure your feedback complies with our Terms of Use.

Q4: How can I edit or change the feedback I’ve provided?

A: If you wish to adjust the feedback you’ve provided within 90 days from when you wrote it, follow these steps:

  • Sign in to your account.
  • Navigate to ‘My won lots’ to see your completed orders.
  • Select the ‘Paid’ section to view your paid orders.
  • Under the order details, find your review and click ‘Edit’ to make changes.
  • Choose the status you’d like to assign (‘Positive,’ ‘Neutral,’ or ‘Negative’) and modify your comment accordingly.
  • Click ‘Update feedback’ to save and submit your revised feedback.

Q5: Can I delete feedback I’ve provided?

A: There isn’t a direct option to delete feedback. Instead, you can adjust it to a new status and modify the text as needed. Your feedback contributes to transparency and accountability, fostering a trustworthy environment for all users.

Q6: Is there a specific time frame for leaving feedback?

A: Yes, you have 60 days from the delivery confirmation to provide your feedback, comments, or reviews for the seller and your order.

Q7: What happens after I leave a review?

A: Your feedback and reviews are invaluable. They help us ensure a confident buying experience and provide sellers with essential insights to improve. If you add a comment to your feedback, the seller has an opportunity to respond.

Q8: Can I leave feedback on my experience with ULTIMZ as a platform?

A: At the moment, feedback and reviews are primarily focused on your interactions with sellers and your orders. However, we welcome any suggestions or feedback you have about the ULTIMZ platform itself through our support channels.

Q9: How does leaving feedback benefit the ULTIMZ community?

A: Your feedback contributes to creating a fair and accurate environment. It helps foster trust and better experiences for all users on the platform. Transparency and accountability are essential elements of our community.

Q10: Where can I find more information about the feedback process and guidelines?

A: You can find more insights on how the feedback process is maintained by reading our Feedback Policy. This document provides detailed information about the feedback and review system on ULTIMZ.

Buyer – Feedback Policy

Q1: Does ULTIMZ adjust or remove feedback and seller reactions?

A: ULTIMZ values user feedback but may adjust or remove it in certain situations. Our policy outlines when such actions might be taken.

Q2: Under what circumstances does ULTIMZ fully remove buyer feedback or seller reactions?

A: ULTIMZ will fully remove buyer feedback or seller reactions in these circumstances:

  • Violation of ULTIMZ’s Terms and Conditions by a user.
  • Feedback linked to an issue not caused by the customer but attributed to ULTIMZ.
  • Feedback related to a different purchase or activities of another seller.
  • Feedback that relates to a claim situation, provided the buyer hasn’t initiated a claim.

Q3: When might ULTIMZ adjust or partially remove feedback or seller reactions?

A: ULTIMZ might adjust or partially remove feedback or seller reactions in these scenarios:

  • Feedback or seller reactions contain inappropriate language or personal information.
  • Feedback pertains to events significantly beyond the seller’s control, such as customs issues or force majeure situations. ULTIMZ will neutralize the feedback and add a public comment.
  • Feedback pertains to a claim that has been thoroughly investigated and deemed unjustified.
  • The seller successfully resolves the issue to the buyer’s satisfaction without ULTIMZ’s intervention.

Q4: Are there situations where feedback cannot be adjusted or removed?

A: Yes, feedback cannot be adjusted or removed in these cases:

  • Feedback concerns delivery errors within the seller’s control.
  • Feedback relates to a claim addressed through ULTIMZ’s claim process and is considered justified.
  • Feedback or seller reactions were provided over three months ago. However, feedback containing personal data or inappropriate language may still be adjusted.

A: Feedback related to ongoing claim processes will only be modified or removed after the claim’s resolution.

Q6: What is the purpose of adjusting or removing feedback?

A: The purpose is to ensure that feedback is fair, accurate, and aligned with ULTIMZ’s policies. It helps maintain a transparent and trustworthy environment for all users.

Q7: How can I request feedback adjustment or removal?

A: If you believe your feedback requires adjustment or removal, please contact our support team. We will review your request and take appropriate action.

Q8: Does ULTIMZ notify users when their feedback is adjusted or removed?

A: Yes, ULTIMZ typically notifies users when feedback is adjusted or removed. This notification ensures transparency in the feedback process.

Q9: Can sellers respond to feedback adjustments or removals?

A: Yes, sellers have the opportunity to respond to feedback adjustments or removals. This allows them to provide context or address any concerns.

Q10: Where can I find more information about ULTIMZ’s feedback policy?

A: You can find detailed information about ULTIMZ’s feedback policy in our terms and conditions or by contacting our support team. We are here to assist you with any questions or concerns related to feedback.

Order Issues

Q1: I’ve paid for my object. Why haven’t I received it yet?

A: Delays in receiving your order can occur due to various factors. To address this, you can track your shipment using the provided tracking information, contact the seller for updates, and reach out to ULTIMZ if your order hasn’t arrived after a specific period.

Q2: What should I do if my lot has been delivered damaged?

A: If you receive a damaged lot, follow these steps:

  1. Contact the seller to discuss the damage.
  2. Inform ULTIMZ within 3 days from delivery, providing photos and a description.
  3. Contact the shipping company to report the incident.

Q3: What should I do if my object has been delivered and does not conform to its description?

If you have received an object that does not conform to its description or believe it to be inauthentic, it’s important to follow these steps for resolution:

  1. Contact ULTIMZ and the Seller:
    • Time Frame: Contact ULTIMZ within 3 days after the delivery date as recorded by Track & Trace.
    • Seller Communication: Additionally, contact the seller directly to share your concerns and attempt to reach a mutual solution.
  2. Provide Detailed Information:
    • When contacting ULTIMZ, be prepared to provide detailed information, including:
      • At least one picture of the entire object.
      • At least two more detailed and sharp pictures that clearly show the object in the state you received it.
      • At least two pictures of the packaging, with the label clearly visible and legible.
      • A thorough description of the object in the state you received it, emphasizing the main differences compared to the seller’s description.
  3. Document Authenticity Concerns:
    • If you suspect that the object is not authentic, submit the requested photos as well as any supporting documents that can validate your claim regarding the object’s authenticity.
  4. Include Videos or Other Evidence (If Necessary):
    • If the issue cannot be adequately captured in photographs, such as a mechanical problem, you can provide a video recording or any other relevant material that helps explain the situation.
  5. Timely Action:
    • Act promptly within the 3-day window after delivery. After this period, your payment will be released to the seller, and ULTIMZ may not be able to open a claim or guarantee a refund.

By following these steps and providing the requested information, ULTIMZ can better assist you in resolving the issue and ensuring a fair outcome. Open communication with the seller is also encouraged to attempt an amicable resolution.

Q4: How can I initiate communication with the seller regarding an issue with my order?

A: You can message the seller through ULTIMZ’s messaging system. Effective communication with the seller is essential to resolving order issues.

Q5: What should I do if my order hasn’t arrived 22 days after it was shipped?

A: If your order hasn’t arrived after 22 days from shipment, ULTIMZ will notify you via email with instructions on the next steps. Promptly inform ULTIMZ within 3 days of receiving the email about the situation.

Q6: Can I cancel my purchase, and what are the eligibility criteria for cancellation?

A: You can cancel your purchase under specific conditions, including that the object was sold by a Pro seller, you reside in the EEA or UK, and you initiate the cancellation within 14 days of delivery. Shipping costs for return will be your responsibility.

Q7: How do I initiate the cancellation of my purchase?

A: To cancel your purchase, reach out to ULTIMZ expressing your intent to cancel. Follow the cancellation procedure, including returning the object to the seller, and the refund process will be initiated once the seller receives the returned item.

Q8: What should I do if I receive an object that I suspect is not authentic?

A: If you suspect an object is not authentic, follow these steps:

  1. Contact ULTIMZ within 3 days from delivery, providing photos and details.
  2. Communicate with the seller about your concerns.
  3. Provide evidence to support your claim regarding the object’s authenticity.

Q9: How do I track my order, and what should I do if the tracking information is inaccurate or not updating?

A: You can track your order using the provided tracking information. If you encounter issues with tracking or if the estimated delivery date passes without your order’s arrival, contact the seller for updates and reach out to ULTIMZ if needed.

Q10: What is ULTIMZ’s approach to order issues, and how does it ensure customer satisfaction?

A: ULTIMZ is committed to addressing order issues promptly and providing guidance to customers. Effective communication with sellers, reporting issues within specified timeframes, and following the outlined procedures are essential to resolving order-related challenges and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Claims with PayPal

Q1: Why should I contact ULTIMZ before opening a claim with PayPal?

A: Contacting ULTIMZ before initiating a PayPal claim allows us to mediate and work toward resolving any issues effectively. We believe in fostering direct communication between buyers and sellers to achieve a satisfactory solution.

Q2: How do I contact ULTIMZ to explore resolution options before opening a PayPal claim?

A: To contact ULTIMZ, click the “Contact” button at the bottom of this page and complete a brief form. Our specialists will promptly get in touch to assist you in addressing your concerns.

Q3: What are the benefits of involving ULTIMZ in the resolution process before contacting PayPal?

A: ULTIMZ provides dedicated support teams with expertise in mediating and resolving various claims, including lost shipments, inaccurately described items, and damaged goods. Involving ULTIMZ first can lead to a swift and positive resolution while maintaining effective communication channels.

Q4: How can ULTIMZ help mediate between buyers and sellers in case of conflicts or language barriers?

A: ULTIMZ’s support teams are experienced in mediating conversations between buyers and sellers to ensure a swift and positive outcome. They possess the expertise to address conflicts and language barriers effectively.

Q5: What types of claims can ULTIMZ assist in resolving before involving PayPal?

A: ULTIMZ can assist in resolving various claims, including those related to lost shipments, inaccurately described items, and damaged goods. Our goal is to achieve a positive outcome while maintaining efficient communication.

Q6: Are there certain objects that may not be covered by PayPal’s claims process?

A: Yes, some objects may not be covered by PayPal’s claims process. It’s advisable to review PayPal’s Terms and Conditions before initiating a dispute with them.

Q7: Will involving PayPal as an intermediary in the claims process prolong the resolution time?

A: Yes, involving PayPal as an intermediary could potentially prolong the resolution process due to the additional party that needs to be informed and updated on the situation’s progress. ULTIMZ is dedicated to assisting you efficiently and promptly.

Q8: How can I ensure a positive outcome when involving ULTIMZ in resolving a situation?

A: To ensure a positive outcome, provide accurate and detailed information when contacting ULTIMZ. Communicate clearly and effectively, as our goal is to achieve a swift resolution while maintaining effective communication channels.

Q9: Are there articles addressing various scenarios to provide further insight into ULTIMZ’s claims management?

A: Yes, ULTIMZ provides articles addressing various scenarios to offer further insight into how different situations are managed. These resources can help you better understand the claims process.

Q10: How does ULTIMZ prioritize trust and security for its customers when handling claims?

A: ULTIMZ prioritizes trust and security by providing dedicated support teams with expertise in resolving claims. Our goal is to facilitate a collaborative resolution and maintain a positive experience for our customers throughout the claims process.