Happy April 12th: Retail Reopening to See Significant Surge in Footfall, says Springboard

Happy April 12th: Retail Reopening to See Significant Surge in Footfall, says Springboard

As England prepares to reopen non-essential retail on April 12th, UK stores can look forward to a major increase in footfall. According to data from Springboard, there will be a remarkable 47.9% week-on-week rise, reaching an impressive 128.5% compared to the same week in 2020. Although it is still 61.8% below the 2019 level, this news is undoubtedly positive for the struggling retail sector.

The report highlights that high streets will experience the largest influx of visitors from April 12th. Footfall is expected to increase by 59% week-on-week as both non-essential retail and outdoor hospitality reopen simultaneously. This is a departure from the first lockdown, when hospitality establishments opened two weeks after retail.

Shopping centers and retail parks will also witness a significant increase in footfall, with rises of 46% and 26% respectively. While the initial footfall rises during Lockdowns 1 and 2 exceeded 40%, the greater increase anticipated in April can be attributed to the success of the UK’s vaccination program, as noted by Springboard.

The report predicts that there will be a continued surge in footfall in the following week after reopening, with a rise of 10.4%. This is higher than the 7.1% increase seen after the first lockdown. Springboard explains that previous data has shown that the longer consumers are subjected to restrictions, the stronger their desire for freedom becomes. After 14 weeks since the start of Lockdown 3 on January 4th, shoppers are likely to feel safer visiting retail destinations. The successful vaccination program, with over 60 million individuals vaccinated, will also provide reassurance for those who may have previously hesitated to venture out.

Furthermore, the report acknowledges that retailers have instilled confidence by implementing appropriate social distancing measures since 2020, and consumers have become more accustomed to wearing face coverings in public. As the weeks progress, footfall is expected to improve. The gradual easing of social distancing measures by June 21st, and the government’s target of vaccinating all adults with a first dose by July 31st, will undoubtedly support footfall across all areas of the UK.

Coastal towns are also expected to see an increase in footfall over the summer months as more Britons opt for staycations. Likewise, regional cities can anticipate a rise in footfall with the eventual return of office workers later in the year. Additionally, spending is likely to be boosted in the short term as employed consumers have disposable income that has not been used for vacations and other expenses during the lockdown.

Diane Wehrle, Insights Director at Springboard, emphasized the pent-up demand for a return to normality following a year of pandemic-related restrictions. She stated that when non-essential retail reopened after the first and second lockdowns, footfall saw a sharp increase. By mid-April, consumers will be seeking sensory and social retail experiences, reconnecting with their favorite brands, and purchasing new wardrobes for the summer. Springboard anticipates a strong initial uplift in April, which will continue to rise throughout the summer months as the UK economy reopens.

Useful links:
BBC: England’s ‘non-essential’ retailers get set for reopening
Retail Gazette: High street shops anticipate big reopening footfall surge

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