Fashion for Good Introduces Dyestuff Library for Sustainable Dyes

Fashion for Good (FFG) is taking a significant step towards encouraging eco-friendly practices in the fashion industry with the introduction of the Dyestuff Library. This innovative digital tool aims to promote the use of sustainable dyes by providing FFG partners with a selection of dyestuffs that meet both competitive performance and environmental criteria.

The goal of the Dyestuff Library is to expedite the shift from harmful chemical dyes to more sustainable alternatives by offering visibility and access to innovative solutions. Through this library, FFG partners will have the opportunity to choose from 15 selected dyestuff innovations that will undergo rigorous testing to ensure their safety and suitability for commercial use.

To determine the performance of these alternative dyes, extensive compliance and toxicity testing will be conducted. The library aims to address the industry’s need for dyeing innovation that reduces waste, water usage, and energy consumption. It is supported by prominent corporate partners such as Adidas, Inditex, and Patagonia, along with other stakeholders who recognize the importance of adopting sustainable practices.

Bestseller’s Innovation Manager, Camilla Skjønning Jørgensen, emphasizes the significance of supporting initiatives that can scale up and commercialize sustainable solutions. The industry’s shift towards more eco-friendly practices relies on the collaboration and adoption of new innovations.

Historically, textile dyes were derived from natural sources, but the introduction of synthetic dyes in the 19th century revolutionized the industry. Today, 90% of clothing is synthetically dyed. However, the toxic effects and environmental impact of these synthetic dyes are harmful to both humans and the planet. Efforts have been made to phase out harmful chemistry and develop non-hazardous alternatives. Sustainable dye options derived from natural sources such as plants, microorganisms, algae, and recycled materials are now available. Unfortunately, the industry has been reluctant to transition to these options due to concerns about their performance and scalability.

The Dyestuff Library aims to address these concerns by testing and validating the performance of alternative dyes and pigments on various textile substrates. Supply chain partners and university and lab partners will support this pilot program. By participating in this initiative, partners can contribute their expertise to drive the industry towards sustainable dyeing practices.

Katrin Ley, FFG’s Managing Director, emphasizes the importance of collaboration in transforming the fashion industry towards sustainability. Sharing knowledge and providing access to innovative solutions are key steps towards achieving a more sustainable future for fashion. By working together, the industry can make significant progress in reducing its environmental footprint and promoting responsible practices.

[Link 1: Fashion for Good – Dyestuff Library (] [Link 2: Adidas – Sustainable Dyeing Initiatives (]
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