Diane von Fürstenberg, Woman Before Fashion

Diane von Fürstenberg’s revolutionary wrap dresses will take center stage at the Fashion & Lace Museum in Brussels, marking the much-anticipated first international retrospective for the acclaimed Belgian-American designer. From April 21, 2023, until January 7, 2024, the exhibition titled “Diane von Fürstenberg, Woman Before Fashion” will captivate audiences with its exploration of von Fürstenberg’s iconic creations.

The wrap dress, an emblematic piece popularized by von Fürstenberg in the 1970s, quickly captured the hearts of fashion lovers worldwide due to its effortless elegance. This groundbreaking garment, bearing a striking resemblance to a kimono blended with a Roman toga, featured a waist tie that accentuated the feminine figure. The dress was crafted from wrinkle-free jersey fabric, making it a practical and lightweight option for women. Adding a touch of sensuality, the adjustable V neckline further contributed to its allure. Throughout the years, the wrap dress has graced the bodies of influential figures ranging from former First Lady Michelle Obama to the late singer Amy Winehouse.

In homage to von Fürstenberg’s unparalleled fashion legacy, the exhibition will unveil fifty magnificent models of her iconic wrap dresses. Alongside these exquisite creations, archival images will provide a captivating narrative chronicling the designer’s extraordinary journey to success. Born in Brussels, von Fürstenberg catapulted to fame in New York during the 1970s, leaving an indelible mark on the fashion world. Before her relocation to the United States, she honed her craft under the guidance of Italian fashion entrepreneur Angelo Ferretti. Von Fürstenberg’s illustrious career also includes her remarkable tenure as the chair of the Council of Fashion Designers of America from 2006 to 2019.

Beyond her revolutionary impact on the fashion realm, von Fürstenberg is celebrated for her philanthropic endeavors and unwavering advocacy for women’s rights. In 2010, she initiated the DVF Awards, a prestigious scholarship program that acknowledges extraordinary women who have made significant contributions to society. Moreover, von Fürstenberg’s remarkable achievements were recognized in 2020 when she was bestowed with the Legion of Honour, France’s highest order of merit.

“Diane von Fürstenberg, Woman Before Fashion” will showcase the vast array of inspirations fueling the designer’s unparalleled creativity, ranging from bold patterns inspired by abstract art to architectural elements. This enthralling exhibition serves as a heartfelt tribute to von Fürstenberg’s immense contributions to the fashion industry and her tireless commitment to empowering women.

Fashion enthusiasts and admirers of von Fürstenberg’s iconic wrap dresses are cordially invited to immerse themselves in this extraordinary exhibition, open from April 21, 2023, until January 7, 2024, at the quaint and picturesque Brussels Fashion & Lace Museum. Situated near von Fürstenberg’s former residence, this enchanting venue serves as the perfect backdrop to honor the enduring legacy of this influential and trailblazing designer.

For more information and updates on the exhibition, please visit the official website of the Brussels Fashion & Lace Museum here. Additionally, to gain further insights into Diane von Fürstenberg’s unrivaled influence, explore her official website here.

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