Coperni: Merging Technology and Fashion

The French creators have carved a reputation for themselves when it comes to communication, with their innate ability to navigate the digital world. They have seamlessly integrated social media culture into their lives and are fixated on achieving virality. Coperni, a prominent example of this phenomenon, understands the importance of captivating their audience during Fashion Week.

For Coperni, fashion is more than just clothing; it is an art form. Since their debut in 2013, their fashion journey has been nothing short of fascinating. Their path has been marked by moments of chaos, such as their stint at Courrèges followed by their triumphant comeback in 2019. Throughout it all, Coperni has showcased their marketing and business savvy, offering a futuristic yet wearable wardrobe that appeals to their audience.

Coperni places a strong emphasis on pre-order systems, recognizing the importance of delivering unique and iconic products to their customers. Their ongoing work on the Swipe Bag exemplifies their commitment to creating fashion that stands out. What truly sets them apart, however, is their dedication to listening and engaging with their community. The Covid period has served as an opportunity for them to build and strengthen this community, gaining a deeper understanding of their needs.

The key to Coperni’s success lies in their incorporation of technology into their designs. They proudly describe their style as “technochic” and view technology as their faithful muse. It is ingrained in their DNA, fueling their ability to innovate and captivate their audience. With every season, Coperni manages to “break the internet” with their spectacles. From the mesmerizing spray dress to the inclusion of Boston Dynamics robot dogs in their latest campaign, they never fail to deliver awe-inspiring moments.

Despite their achievements, Coperni has faced criticism from some media outlets for their perceived lack of spontaneity in their technologically-driven shows. Luxury fashion, however, is also an art of its own, capable of manipulating perceptions. It has convinced journalists that it values creativity over marketing strategies, creating an air of spontaneity around its creators. Coperni deserves credit for their ability to play this game and constantly push boundaries in the industry.

In conclusion, Coperni’s genius lies in their mastery of communication and their unwavering digital influence. They have successfully merged technology with fashion, creating a unique style that resonates with their audience. While facing criticism, they continue to break barriers and captivate the fashion world. Coperni is a true force to be reckoned with in the industry.

Useful links:
1. Coperni Official Website
2. Coperni Fall 2021 Collection on Vogue

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