Chanel Gains Popularity in Chinese Luxury Market

According to the Agility Luxury Brand Affinity (ALBA) 2021 study conducted by Singapore-based consultancy Agility Research & Strategy, the house on Rue Cambon, Chanel, is gaining popularity among the wealthiest consumers in the thriving Chinese luxury market. To compile this report, the consultancy surveyed 1,000 luxury product consumers in 40 cities across China, including nearly 300 millionaires. The respondents were asked about their perceptions and behaviors towards 55 different luxury brands and houses. The study analyzed a range of indicators, including sustainability, trust, quality of service, social responsibility, and influence.

Ranking first in the study is Chanel, with an exceptional ALBA score of 99 out of 100. This score applies to all product categories, with a particular emphasis on the brand’s performance in the fashion sector. The research firm highlights Chanel’s superior performance in all indicators. Coming in second place is Dior, with a score of 87. While Dior performed well overall, it received slightly lower ratings in terms of trust, admiration, and social responsibility. Hermès takes the third spot with an ALBA score of 83. Hermès’ score is primarily attributed to behavioral indicators such as purchase intention and the ability to recommend the brand, rather than status indicators.

The top 10 luxury brands in the ranking heavily feature European names, including Lancôme, Gucci, Rolex, Cartier, Louis Vuitton, and Armani. The only exception is American company Estée Lauder, which is tied for fourth place.

Overall, the Agility Luxury Brand Affinity study showcases the preferences of wealthy Chinese consumers in the luxury market. European brands dominate the top rankings, with Chanel leading the way, while American brand Estée Lauder also earns a highly favorable position.

For more information on the Agility Luxury Brand Affinity study, please visit:
Link 1

To explore the luxury brands mentioned in the article, please visit:
Link 2

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