Challenges Faced by UK Retail Footfall

Retail footfall in the UK continues to face challenges, especially during what is traditionally a busy time of year. Recent reports show a 3.5% decline in footfall on a week-on-week basis, with evenings experiencing the most significant decrease. Specifically, between 7 pm and 11 pm, footfall decreased by 8.4%, and between 11 pm and 7 am, it plummeted by 14.8%.

In the past, supermarkets and shops would operate around the clock, and the presence of restaurants, bars, and clubs would attract more people to retail areas. However, with limited opening hours and current curfews on dining and drinking establishments until 10 pm, footfall has taken a hit.

The challenging situation is further compounded by adverse weather conditions, as highlighted in a recent Springboard report. Footfall has dropped across all retail destinations, with a significant 31.4% decline compared to 2019 despite physical stores being open for almost four months now.

Springboard’s data reveals that coastal towns have experienced the most substantial decline in footfall at 11.6%, followed by regional cities at 8.2%. Market towns saw a more moderate drop of 4.1%, and outer London reported a decline of 6.5%. However, central London has been severely impacted, with an 8.4% decrease compared to the previous week and a staggering 60.3% drop year-on-year.

Interestingly, shopping centers have managed to fare relatively better, with only a marginal 0.04% decline in footfall week-on-week. This could be attributed to their covered structure, making them more appealing during inclement weather conditions.

Despite the challenges faced by the retail sector, it is crucial for businesses to innovate and adapt to the changing consumer behavior brought about by the pandemic. Revitalizing footfall and restoring consumer confidence are essential for the industry’s recovery.

For more information on retail footfall trends in the UK, check out here.
To learn about strategies to improve footfall in retail stores, visit this article.

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