Burberry Unveils Burberry Centre for Manufacturing Excellence in Collaboration with UK Fashion & Textile Association

The esteemed British luxury fashion house, Burberry, has recently unveiled its latest venture, the Burberry Centre for Manufacturing Excellence, located at its Castleford production site in northern England. In collaboration with the UK Fashion & Textile Association (UKFT), this initiative seeks to nurture the brand’s talent while also safeguarding the traditional craftsmanship and skills present in Yorkshire County’s local textile industry.

Lise Edwards-Warrener, VP Internal Manufacturing at Burberry, expressed her pride in the long-standing history of producing some of the brand’s most iconic products in Castleford, spanning over five decades. This new endeavor serves to build upon this strong foundation.

To successfully execute this ambitious project, Burberry has joined forces with the UKFT, establishing a distinctive program specifically designed for trainers and team leaders. This tailor-made series of training courses will focus on enhancing the skills of seamstresses and seamsters, with an emphasis on maximizing sewing machine proficiency. The official launch of this initiative took place on February 10.

Celia Thornley, Skills & Training Manager for the UKFT, expressed her enthusiasm for collaborating with this iconic British luxury brand. She emphasized the significance of updating techniques and knowledge within the workshop to maintain the industry’s competitiveness in the global market.

The importance of investing in such initiatives is even more critical in light of the potential repercussions of Brexit. With 80% of British luxury products being exported, concerns have arisen regarding the potential impact of this political shift. Experts estimate that Brexit could lead to an annual loss of £6.8 billion in luxury exports across all sectors.

In addition to the Burberry Centre for Manufacturing Excellence, the UK Fashion & Textile Association is gearing up to launch a three-year project aimed at inspiring and encouraging the younger generation to explore the multitude of career opportunities available in the fashion and textile industry.

As the fashion and textile industry in the UK strives to retain its leading position on the global stage, collaborations and initiatives such as these play a pivotal role in preserving craftsmanship, nurturing talent, and promoting the industry’s sustained growth.

Useful Links:
1. UK Fashion & Textile Association
2. Burberry

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