Boxing Day Reclaims Title as Most Affordable Shopping Day

According to a report from price comparison service PriceSpy, Boxing Day has once again reclaimed its title as the most affordable shopping day of the year, surpassing Black Friday in terms of price reductions. While Black Friday has maintained its popularity as a day for discounts, with sales stretching over the course of November, it is Boxing Day that has regained its position as the ultimate shopping day, thanks to the post-Christmas markdowns. PriceSpy also forecasts a sharp decrease in prices this week, building up towards what they have dubbed as ‘Frantic Friday’ on December 22, which marks the final payday before Christmas for many individuals.

Last year, the average price on Black Friday was 1.72% lower compared to November 1, whereas the average price on Boxing Day dropped by 1.74%. These figures indicate that the price cuts offered on Boxing Day are slightly more substantial than those on Black Friday. However, PriceSpy cautions shoppers about the possibility of ‘pricewashing’ during Frantic Friday and Boxing Day, where retailers may advertise deals that appear to be larger than they actually are. It is important for consumers to exercise caution and not solely rely on promotional marketing tactics.

Useful links:
– To learn more about how to navigate the holiday shopping season, visit this helpful guide: Holiday Shopping Survival Guide.
– For more tips on how to avoid scams and make smart shopping decisions during the holiday season, check out this informative article: Holiday Shopping Tips from the FTC.

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