Bilibili: China’s Gen Z Luxury Advertising Opportunity

The Chinese video sharing site, Bilibili, is quickly gaining traction and attracting the attention of luxury brands who are seeking fresh avenues for their branded content. Originally focused on gaming, manga, and animation content, Bilibili is now expanding its reach to include fashion and beauty, aiming to capture new audiences. With a monthly user base of over 130 million, which has seen a 40% increase from the previous year, the platform is steadily gaining popularity. Notably, major investors such as Tencent, Alibaba, and Sony have taken notice and made significant investments in the company.

However, as brands seek to monetize and advertise on Bilibili, they face the challenge of adapting to this new ecosystem. Dior, for example, became the first luxury brand to establish an official presence on the platform in June. However, it faced difficulties due to a misalignment between Dior’s positioning and the platform’s aesthetic. To succeed on Bilibili, brands must immerse themselves in the ACGN (Animation Comic Game Novel) universe and the digital culture of the post-95 generation. A successful example of this is Louis Vuitton’s collaboration with the e-sport League of Legends, which resonated well with Bilibili’s predominantly Generation Z audience.

Bilibili is known for its interactive nature, which provides an opportunity for brands to engage their audience through online challenges and by encouraging users to express their creativity. This approach not only accelerates brand integration within the Bilibili community but also aligns with the expectations of young users. Moreover, product testing plays a crucial role on the platform, whether it is through owned or paid media content. The key to success lies in maintaining authenticity and employing a relatable, inclusive, or even humorous tone. While users accept that their favorite uploaders collaborate with brands, they are discerning about the quality and value of the videos.

In conclusion, Bilibili offers luxury brands new opportunities to connect with Chinese consumers. However, to fully harness the potential of this platform, brands must grasp its unique culture and cater to its distinct expectations. By embracing the ACGN universe, fostering interactivity, and delivering entertaining and informative content, brands can successfully engage Bilibili’s growing user base.

Useful links:

1. Bilibili Official Website: The official website of Bilibili, providing information and insights about the platform.
2. Business of Fashion – Bilibili: China’s Gen Z Luxury Advertising Opportunity: An article discussing the potential for luxury brands to advertise on Bilibili and reach the Chinese Gen Z audience.

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