Arianee and The Sandbox Collaboration for ‘Metaverse Ready’ Concept

Pierre-Nicolas Hurstel, CEO and co-founder of Arianee, has shared with ULTIMZ Journal the details of the “Metaverse ready” concept developed in collaboration with The Sandbox, a community gaming platform. This project aims to establish new immersive channels for brands to engage with their customers in addition to the physical and traditional digital channels.

The main goal for both brands and metaverses is to provide consumers and communities with intuitive journeys that enhance brand engagement and experience. Arianee and The Sandbox are working together to create bridges between different universes, ensuring consistency across various worlds. Actions performed in one metaverse should seamlessly continue in a physical store, and experiences started on a website should be coherent when continued in the metaverse.

Being “Metaverse ready” means that brands not only have a presence in real life but also in The Sandbox. For instance, if a user owns a brand’s token, they will receive corresponding NFTs in The Sandbox. These NFTs could be a replication of the product, an invitation, or a tokenized membership card. By integrating physical, digital, and immersive universes, brands can offer a seamless and omnichannel solution to their customers.

Currently, the NFT integration in the metaverse is exclusive to brands using the Arianee multi-chain protocol on Ethereum sidechains like POA or Polygon. These sidechains are chosen for sustainability, economic performance, and reliability reasons. However, there are plans to expand this compatibility to other protocols in the future.

To test this protocol, Arianee will host an exclusive private event called Paris Web3 Night on April 13th. This event, co-organized with The Sandbox, Ledger, and Dogami, will involve panels and an event featuring DJs Busy P and Agoria. Guests will receive a branded t-shirt with a sewn QR code, granting access to a digital NFT. By connecting to the Paris Web3 Night platform with their Arianee Wallet, attendees can obtain their Sandbox NFT, specifically a t-shirt designed by The Sandbox’s creative teams for their avatar in the metaverse. Arianee’s partner brands will also be able to utilize this technology.

The partnership between Arianee and The Sandbox is significant as it aligns with Arianee’s vision of future omnichannel integration with Web3 principles. The use of wallets and tokens facilitates the transition between different worlds, allowing brands to create value for users through decentralized, value-added, transparent, and privacy-conscious relationship marketing.

Arianee’s focus is on creating simple and meaningful solutions that enhance the customer experience. This partnership showcases their commitment to innovating in the metaverse and Web3 space, and further partnerships can be expected as they continue to explore opportunities in this realm.

Useful links:
1. Arianee official website
2. The Sandbox official website

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