Anita Tillmann Reflects on the Evolution of the Premium Trade Show

Anita Tillmann, the founder of the Premium trade show concept, is gearing up to celebrate the event’s 20th anniversary at the upcoming edition in January. In an interview with, Tillmann discusses the challenges the trade show has faced over the years, the new opportunities that have arisen, and the power of the young generation.

Over the past two decades, trade shows like Premium have been essential platforms for newcomers in the fashion industry. The list of brands that have grown alongside Premium is extensive, as these events provide a space for new collections, concepts, and repositioned brands to be unveiled. Twenty years ago, retail lacked diversity and was relatively homogeneous across cities. However, Premium changed that by introducing new and unique offerings. As globalization and digitization accelerated, retail became even more diverse, reflecting the changing times.

The physical comeback of Premium in the summer was met with excitement. However, there was criticism regarding the lack of clarity at the event. Tillmann acknowledges the feedback and assures that improvements have been made for the upcoming January edition. The trade show will be more compact and structurally divided, allowing for a clearer layout. Housed at the Messe-Süd entrance, the event will present womenswear, menswear, footwear, accessories, and even a beauty lounge.

Sustainability is a significant focus for brands today, and Premium is no different. While the discontinuation of the Neonyt sustainable hall left a void, the trade show is committed to showcasing sustainable brands. Almost 100 more sustainable brands will be featured, with Seek playing a prominent role in this area. Premium is also proud to present a portfolio of promising sustainable brands. The commitment to sustainability is not new for Premium; it has been supporting sustainable brands and social companies since 2006. Over the years, the Green Area dedicated to sustainability has been developed and expanded. Today, all these initiatives come under the umbrella of the Premium Group Conscious Club.

Implementing sustainability remains a challenge for many brands and retailers. To address this, Premium aims to provide individual solutions through its collaboration with Studio MM04. By showcasing Role Model Brands that have successfully integrated sustainability into their strategies, Premium invites retailers to explore this curated portfolio.

In the summer, Premium introduced the Ground festival, targeting the end consumer. The festival provided brands and retailers an opportunity to interact directly with Gen Z, gaining a better understanding of their preferences and interests. These activations hold value for brick-and-mortar retailers, providing insights into various formats and strategies that can be employed to attract new customers or entertain existing ones.

The influence of Gen Z, the next generation, has been significant. This generation challenges traditional roles and ideals, driving shifts in values. Their purpose-driven mindset will undoubtedly bring about significant changes in the industry. Premium has observed a longing for lightness and lightheartedness amongst exhibitors and retailers. Instead of dwelling on the past, the focus should be on the present and future.

In January, Premium will once again coincide with Berlin Fashion Week, creating synergies and overlaps that benefit both events. Premium works closely with the German Fashion Council, coordinating event dates and various joint initiatives. The Premium Group understands the importance of industry meetings and face-to-face interactions, which have received positive feedback. The DACH market (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) remains stronger than other European markets, emphasizing the need for collective efforts to restore the industry’s positive flow.

Looking ahead, trade show planning must reflect the realities of the market and the industry. As the market fluctuates, so does the atmosphere at trade shows. While it may take until 2023 or 2024 to fully recover from the impact of the pandemic, there is optimism for better years ahead. Premium sees opportunities in the changing role of consumers and the sense of community. Brick-and-mortar retail has proven to be resilient, and now it has the opportunity to showcase new and exciting offerings that appeal to customers’ emotions. Digital platforms must also adapt and curate a distinctive brand mix, and trade shows like Premium provide an excellent opportunity for them to do so.

In conclusion, Anita Tillmann reflects on the evolution of the Premium trade show over the past two decades, emphasizing its importance as a platform for newcomers. She acknowledges the challenges faced by the industry, such as the need for sustainability and meeting the demands of Gen Z. Tillmann highlights the significance of collaboration between Premium and Berlin Fashion Week, as well as the collective efforts required to overcome the current crisis. Despite the difficulties, Tillmann sees opportunities in the changing consumer landscape and the rise of brick-and-mortar retail. Overall, the Premium Group remains optimistic and confident in the industry’s future.

Useful links:
1. Premium Group
2. Berlin Fashion Week

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