A Guide To The Eight: 10 Things To Know

A Guide To The Eight: 10 Things To Know

1. Who Are The Eight?

The Eight, also known as the Ashcan School, were a group of American painters who revolutionized the art scene in the early 20th century. The group comprised artists Robert Henri, John Sloan, Everett Shinn, George Luks, William Glackens, Ernest Lawson, Maurice Prendergast, and Arthur B. Davies. Collectively, they sought to challenge the traditional artistic conventions prevalent at the time and explore the everyday realities of urban life in America.

2. Their Influences

The Eight drew inspiration from various art movements and styles, notably Impressionism and the Realist movement. They admired the works of artists such as Edouard Manet, Gustave Courbet, and Edgar Degas. The influence of these European masters can be seen in the expressiveness and unconventional compositions employed by the Eight.

3. The Exhibition That Sparked Controversy

In 1908, the Eight organized an exhibition in New York, which came to be known as the “Exhibition of the Eight.” It was a groundbreaking event that challenged the established art institutions and their conservative selection processes. The exhibition showcased a wide range of subjects, including urban landscapes, portraits, and scenes of everyday life. However, the unconventional nature of their works created controversy and debate among critics and the public.

4. The Ashcan School and Urban Realism

The Eight, along with other artists associated with the Ashcan School, were pioneers of American urban realism. They strived to capture the raw and unfiltered essence of city life, focusing on the working class, immigrants, and the underbelly of society. Their paintings often depicted crowded streets, tenements, and bustling city scenes with an honesty and directness that had not been seen before.

5. Individual Styles

Each member of the Eight had their own unique style and approach to painting. Robert Henri, considered the leader of the group, favored loose brushwork and a bold use of color. John Sloan, on the other hand, was interested in the human figure and often depicted scenes of social interaction. George Luks and William Glackens opted for a vigorous and vibrant approach, while Everett Shinn leaned towards theatrical subjects and settings.

6. The Legacy of the Eight

The Eight left an indelible mark on American art and played a crucial role in ushering in a new era of artistic expression. They challenged the norms and paved the way for other modernist movements that followed, such as the American Modernists and the Social Realists. Their commitment to depicting the realities of society influenced generations of artists.

7. The Importance of the Exhibition Catalogue

The exhibition of the Eight was accompanied by a catalogue that featured essays defending the group’s artistic choices and philosophies. This catalogue played a significant role in providing a platform for the artists to articulate their intentions and gain recognition. It showcased their commitment to breaking away from tradition and embracing a more democratic approach to art.

8. Collecting and Exhibiting the Works

Today, the works of the Eight are highly sought after by collectors and museums around the world. Many major art institutions hold significant pieces from the Eight in their collections, allowing visitors to appreciate and study their pioneering contributions to American art. The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York are just a few examples of institutions that display their works.

For further exploration of the Eight and their works, consider visiting the following resources:
National Gallery of Art – The Eight
Metropolitan Museum of Art – The Eight: The Ashcan School
Smithsonian American Art Museum – The Eight
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston – The Lure of the City: Urban Highlights from the Permanent Collection
The Art Story – The Eight

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