A Guide To Mail Art: 10 Things To Know


Mail art is a fascinating and unique form of artistic expression that originated in the early 20th century. It revolves around the concept of sending art through the mail, enabling artists to connect and interact with each other in unconventional ways. This guide aims to provide you with the essential information you need to delve into the enchanting world of mail art. From understanding its history and purpose to exploring various techniques and materials, here are 10 things you need to know about mail art.

1. Origin and History

Mail art, also known as postal art or correspondence art, emerged as a movement in the 20th century, primarily influenced by Dadaism and Fluxus. It began as a way for artists to challenge the traditional art world, promoting collaboration and removing the notion of exclusivity. This movement embraced the postal system as a means to share art globally, often bypassing established galleries and museums.

2. The Power of Communication

Mail art revolves around the power of communication and connections between artists. By sending and receiving artworks through the mail, artists establish personal and artistic relationships that transcend geographical boundaries. It allows for a direct and intimate form of interaction, fostering a sense of community among artists interested in exploring alternative means of expression.

3. Creating Mail Art

Creating mail art gives artists the freedom to explore an array of techniques and materials. From collages and drawings to paintings and sculpture, artists can experiment with various mediums. The choice of materials often pays homage to the postal system, including envelopes, stamps, postcards, and even real postage stamps. The art can be sent as is or enclosed within an envelope, allowing for surprises and excitement upon opening.

4. International Mail Art Networks

One of the unique aspects of mail art is its ability to foster international connections among artists. Global networks, such as the International Union of Mail-Artists (IUOMA), empower artists to establish contacts, collaborate on projects, and participate in exhibitions. Joining these networks enables artists to dive into the vibrant world of mail art, exchanging ideas and art with like-minded individuals around the globe.

5. Mail Art Exhibitions

Mail art often finds its way into exhibitions, where postage-stamped creations from artists worldwide are displayed together. These exhibitions celebrate the diversity, creativity, and inclusivity of mail art. Participating in a mail art exhibition allows artists to reach a wider audience and connect with fellow practitioners, further strengthening the bond within the mail art community.

6. Mail Art Calls and Projects

Mail art calls and projects are invitations from individuals, galleries, or organizations for artists to participate in specific mail art initiatives. These calls often have theme-based requirements, allowing artists to explore new concepts and engage with specific artistic challenges. Engaging in mail art projects is an excellent way to expand your network, receive feedback, and gain exposure within the international mail art scene.

7. Documentation and Archives

Mail art thrives on documentation, as artists often maintain archives of the artworks they receive, diligently cataloging and preserving this historical documentation of correspondence. Many artists exchange digital or physical copies of their artworks, creating a chain of records that capture the essence and evolution of mail art. This documentation serves as a valuable resource for researchers interested in the movement.

8. Mail Art Ethics

When participating in the mail art community, it is crucial to adhere to ethical guidelines. Honesty, respect for others’ work, and trustworthy interactions are pivotal in maintaining the integrity of the movement. Artists are encouraged to respond promptly to correspondence, contribute actively to projects, and respect any exhibition guidelines or submission deadlines. By upholding ethical practices, the mail art community thrives on meaningful and authentic collaborations.

9. Mail Art Safety Guidelines

While mail art can be an exciting and satisfying artistic endeavor, it is essential to consider safety guidelines when participating. Be mindful of sharing personal information with individuals you connect with online. Use a P.O. Box or alternative address, if possible, to receive mail art to protect your privacy. Additionally, carefully consider the content of your work, ensuring it adheres to laws and regulations regarding obscenity and potential harm.

10. Online Resources and Communities

The digital age has transformed mail art in numerous ways, opening up new avenues for collaboration and communication. Explore online resources and communities dedicated to mail art, such as websites, forums, and social media groups. These platforms provide opportunities to learn, share, and connect with artists on a global scale. Engaging in these communities can enrich your mail art experience and keep you informed about upcoming projects, exhibitions, and calls to artists.

International Union of Mail-Artists (IUOMA): Visit the official website of the IUOMA to connect with fellow mail artists, explore art projects, participate in discussions, and keep up with the latest news in the mail art world. (https://iuoma-network.ning.com/)

Mail Art Projects: This website showcases a variety of ongoing mail art projects, providing information on how to participate, project themes, and deadlines. (http://mailartprojects.blogspot.com/)

The Ray Johnson Estate: Explore the life and work of Ray Johnson, a pioneer of mail art. The website contains a wealth of resources, including galleries of his artwork, articles, and information about upcoming exhibitions. (http://www.rayjohnsonestate.com/)

Mail Me Art: The Mail Me Art project encourages artists to submit artwork in envelope form, displaying the creative diversity of mail art. Their website features galleries, upcoming projects, and even a book featuring mail art submissions. (https://www.mailmeart.com/)

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