A Guide To André Mare: 10 Things To Know

A Guide To André Mare: 10 Things To Know

1. Introduction

André Mare was a prominent French furniture designer and interior decorator during the early 20th century. His work played a significant role in the Art Deco movement, showcasing a unique blend of modernism, elegance, and functionality. Mare’s influence extended beyond furniture design, as he also excelled in painting, ceramics, and textile design. This guide aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of André Mare’s life and works, highlighting ten essential aspects of his career.

2. Early Life and Education

André Mare was born in 1887 in Argentan, a small town in Normandy, France. Growing up in a creative environment, he developed a passion for art at a young age. He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, where he honed his skills in painting and drawing. Mare’s exposure to various artistic disciplines greatly influenced his later approach to furniture design, allowing him to think beyond traditional boundaries.

3. The Cubist Aesthetic

A pivotal moment in André Mare’s career came when he encountered the works of Picasso and Braque, leading him to embrace the Cubist aesthetic. Inspired by the fragmented forms and geometric shapes of Cubism, Mare started incorporating these elements into his furniture designs. His innovative approach added a new dimension to furniture, blurring the lines between art and functionality.

4. Collaboration with Louis Süe

In 1919, André Mare formed a partnership with fellow designer and architect Louis Süe. Together, they established the influential design firm “Compagnie des Arts Français.” Their collaboration resulted in a series of groundbreaking furniture designs that epitomized the spirit of Art Deco. The duo’s creations showcased clean lines, bold forms, and luxurious materials, revolutionizing the concept of interior design during that era.

5. Mastery of Materials

One of André Mare’s notable strengths was his ability to work with a wide range of materials. From rich woods like mahogany and macassar ebony to exotic finishes like shagreen and parchment, Mare’s furniture exuded a sense of opulence and glamour. He often combined these luxurious materials with metal accents, such as bronze or nickel-plated details, further adding to the allure of his designs.

6. Versatility in Design

André Mare’s versatility as a designer allowed him to create furniture pieces for various purposes and environments. His portfolio included exquisite cabinets, tables, chairs, and lighting fixtures. Mare’s furniture seamlessly blended into both residential and commercial spaces, leaving a lasting impact on the interiors that showcased his creations.

7. Influence on Decorative Arts

André Mare’s impact extended to the realm of decorative arts, where he diversified his portfolio beyond furniture. He explored textile design, creating unique patterns and fabrics that complemented his furniture pieces. Additionally, Mare ventured into ceramics, producing stunning vase designs and decorative objects. His holistic approach to design enabled him to create cohesive and harmonious interiors.

8. Exhibitions and Recognition

Throughout his career, André Mare actively participated in various exhibitions and received recognition for his contributions to the world of design. His furniture and decorative works were exhibited at the prestigious Salon d’Automne and the 1925 Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes in Paris. Mare’s designs garnered critical acclaim and solidified his position as one of the leading figures of the Art Deco movement.

9. Legacy and Influence

André Mare’s legacy lives on through his timeless designs that continue to inspire contemporary furniture makers. His bold and innovative approach to furniture design transformed the industry, leaving an indelible mark on the Art Deco movement. Mare’s ability to integrate artistry and functionality in his creations set a new standard, encouraging future designers to explore the boundaries of design.

10. Appreciating André Mare’s Works Today

Today, antique furniture collectors and admirers of Art Deco design highly value André Mare’s creations. The scarcity of his pieces adds to their allure and investment value. If you’re interested in experiencing the beauty of André Mare’s furniture firsthand, visit renowned galleries and auction houses specializing in Art Deco designs.

Useful links:

By familiarizing yourself with André Mare’s life and works, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the significant contributions he made to the world of furniture design and the decorative arts. His creations continue to captivate and inspire, making him a true icon in the history of design.

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